PolyDissolve + woodFill?

A quick note here that I am trying out the different filaments with the PolyDissolve and suspect that Cura will need a new way to have combo settings? For instance, the default Cura settings for woodFill work great by themselves, but in combination with the PolyDissolve completely fail. The reason is that the woodfill tends to leak out while the PolyDissolve is printing and so the priming tower is not enuf to get the woodfill started again before the printer starts running. The Polydissolve and the woodfill also do not stick that well together, so the towere is a bit of a mess anyway. Is this in the works? like a set of combo presets?

FWIW, I increased the prime tower size and thickness which solved the issue of being primed enough, but sadly, the woodFill managed to strip itself (as it is wont to do) about 1.5 hours into the print. I think I am going to have to figure out how to clean off the drive head inside this new v3 dual extruder…