Fan extruder control

Hi there, is there a way to start and stop a fan as soon as the stepper motor starts and stops extruding? There is no option in Slic3r. Maybe it can be done in Marlin? I try to stop the oozing on my Dual Extruder.


Repetier host can control the fan if you have it attached to one of the option headers on your controller. Which one that is and how you go about doing that will depend on which controller board you have. For a RAMPS 1.4 board such as shipped with the AO-100, you need a kit like this then you redirect the fan control output using a M command since you are using dual extruders and can’t use that header for fan control. If you have a TAZ the process is similar.

Hi, I’m working on my TAZ right now. I want that the fan turns on and off automatically for each Extruder. Extruder1 on = fan1 on, Extruder2 off = fan2 off. Its working by sending M106 S255, but I don’t want to sit there the whole time and punch in the code. :smiley:
