Start GCODE Script for Wipe

This video shows a 3D printer (Type A Machine Series 1) do a wipe at the start of the print job.

Is there any way to do this with the Taz 5? I know my beginning scripts do an auto-home, and that always seems to leave a bit of extruded filament on the nozzle, dirtying/gumming it over time. I’d love to be able to start a job without having to synchronize a tweezer movement to clean the head before it starts the skirts.

Also, more of a hardware question… what’s the best way to clean the nozzle’s exterior? Wipe or scrape gently down when hot? Acetone when cool? Thanks!

Removed for Clarification

Removed for Clarification

Here you go.

This works on my Taz 5 with inductive probe. Only use this code if you have the inductive probe added.

G91 ; switch to relative positioning
G1 Z10 ; safe raise of z axis to ensure probe doesn't hit bed clamp
G90 ; switch back to absolute positioning
G28 ; home all axes
G29 ; level print bed
G1 X298 Y137 Z2 F5000 ; move to wait position right hand side of the table
G1 Z0.4 ; position nozzle
G1 E25 F300 ; purge nozzle
M400 ; wait for purge to complete
G1 X285 F1200 ; slow wipe
G1 Z0.5 F1200 ; lift

If you don’t have auto leveling you can add this code to the end of your current start gcode and it should work.

G1 X298 Y137 Z2 F5000 ; move to wait position right hand side of the table
G1 Z0.4 ; position nozzle
G1 E25 F300 ; purge nozzle
M400 ; wait for purge to complete
G1 X285 F1200 ; slow wipe
G1 Z0.5 F1200 ; lift

GCODE from a different printer will give you an idea, but cannot directly be used on another machine. Two people that installed a wiper pad on the back vs the side of their Taz 5 will require a significantly different wipe procedure. Additionally, optimal wipe temperatures vary by material.

Another point of reference would be the LulzBot Mini’s wipe procedure, profiles are located here

You could also have a look on my start code, it’s no wipe but it has a very simmilar result. Working great for me:

While true, I don’t believe he was looking for a mini style wipe gcode. If you see in the video it’s more of a purge and drop. The method I posted mimics the effect in the video he posted. There is no Makerbot style wipe up front or Lulzbot style in back ( I think there is a mullet joke there somewhere…).

Thank you, everyone!

Just following up, I’m using the code I posted above to do a purge and wipe and it is working out great.