I received a Mini as a Christmas present, and have been having a blast with it. Picked up some Ninjatek Armadillo and have had very mixed results trying to print with it. Have been using the low end of the recommended temp to reduce stringing, have played with increasing retraction distance as well. Have been using the standard extruder…own a flexytruder, but haven’t tried it out yet, but this filament seems sturdy enough that it shouldn’t be needed. Aside from stringing, have had the filament form a serious kink above the extruder and cease printing, and have seen several prints of varying sizes start severely underextruding mid-print.
As of last summer, Lulzbot Cura still included an experimental profile for this stuff. The maintenance blog says it was being removed from 2.* because “it doesn’t print reliably with our machines”. I’ve pinged support to see if I could get a copy of what they deleted as a starting point, and was told they flat no longer have it. As a retired engineer, the idea that Lulzbot Cura isn’t under some sort of revision control that would allow retrieval of back profiles is scary.
But they suggested I ask around here. So: does anyone have food, working Armadillo settings for the Mini they’re willing to share?