Can someone please let me know when using expert settings and choosing the grid or lines for supports if you can just place the supports where it is needed the most. Very hard to determine the location by adjusting the spacing per the program settings. Looking at the support area in expert settings it gives the distances to space, fill percent etc. I was hoping you could see your build and place the supports as needed. Maybe I am missing something here or not fully covering all the support info correctly.

I think the only software that lets you manually edit supports is Simplify3D. It think the options in Cura are limited to supports or not and if you want supports everywhere or just touching the build plate.

Seems to me you are correct on that one with Simplified3D. Curious here if you downloaded say Simplified3D OR Matter Control what then happens to your firmware on your mini and auto leveling the bed. If it was done with trying their sofware and you did not like their programs can you go back to the original firmware for your mini and I guess redownload Cura and start all over again.

You don’t need to change the firmware. You just need to copy the start gcode from Cura into the other slicer. You will have to change the variables for temperatures or hard code the temps into the gcode. That’s really all there is to it. The auto leveling routine is controlled by gcode.

I am slicing for my Mini with S3D and sending the gcode to the machine with Octoprint. I posted my S3D Mini factory file here on the forum.

thanks again for the info nopick… Is Octoprint like Cura?

Octoprint is a Web based printer host. It runs on a raspberry pi and let’s you run the printer without an attached pc. The best thing about is that you can access the interface from any Web browser.

Thanks for the link I will check into this. Does this take the place of Cura or works with Cura. I like the idea you can monitor your printer on the web. I am interested in getting a wireless camera to view the action on a tablet or cell phone and this seems like it can do that as well

You still need a slicer. Octoprint takes the place of the printer control portion of Cura. You just generate the gcode in the slicer you like and drop the gcode in octoprint. Octoprint sends the gcode to the printer via USB.

I have Web cams connected to the Raspberry Pis so I can keep an eye on things while I am away from the printer. It works well. It will also do time lapses of the print.

Got it, i will look into all this shortly nopick… thanks again for all your advice and info here.