I am guessing breathing these fumes all day no good??

That paper is open access under the ACS Author’s Choice license, which means it can be redistributed freely. So I’ve attached it here, in case anyone can’t access it at the original link.
acs%2Eest%2E5b04983.pdf (1.56 MB)

Cool, thanks for uploading the document and checking the license.

I’ll note that the paper says the one enclosed printer emitted more particles than when they took the cover off of it. So just a cover may not improve performance.

No you should use an enclosure and an exhaust system. This will reduce particles and also if you are printing with a nasty smelling or even dangerous material, you are protected.

Also an enclosure without exhaust could lead to overheating the parts and cause print problems (on long prints). So you want to regulate that and you can achieve that by regulating the exhaust fan.