Lulzbot Taz 6 For Sale!

Selling my Lulzbot Taz 6 with a bunch of accessories and filament; works great no issues. Just had a baby boy and have had no time to print anymore.

Comes with Dual Extruder v2 and Aerostruder
The Prometheus direct drive dual color system - never installed
Tool bag
A huge lot of filament
PEI sheet - one is currently on the bed
Nylon tent - for ABS and PETG printing
Motherboard fuses - had one go out once and purchase these on Amazon. Great if you have a similar issue.
Asking $1900 or best offer.
Also selling my Polysher unit with 11 unused and unopened boxes of 2.75/3mm filament for $350.

How old is the TAZ 6? Where are you located?

I purchased it in the spring of 2017, and I’m located in California.

Thanks. I was hoping you were closer so I could see it. I’m in CO. I wish I could swing it right now, but things are tight with the holidays. Thanks!

Does the printer have the modular bed? I assume if you have the PEI surface it is the modular bed? I notice you have the aerostruder and the dual head. Do you have the original head shipped with the printer?

Nope, not the modular bed, just the original standard glass bed. I just laid down painters tape underneath so that removal of the PEI is easier. And yep, I still have the original tool head.

I am interested. If you would consider shipping for 1725 I could swing it.

What city and state are you in?

Reasonably close to California – North Ogden, Utah -

I used the UPS calculator with a weight of 45lbs, which is the weight of the printer, tools, and tool heads, temp tent, and the cost of shipping is about $120. I’m good shipping you those, but adding all the weight of the filament would push out the shipping cost considerably since each spool is about 2.2lbs.

What town do you live in? and how many spools of filament (from the pictures about 30)? Is it all the same size and brand?


So you want me to pay for the shipping of the filament? let me know the size box required for the filament and the approximate weight and i will consider… and depending on where you live in California, I may be able to arrange a local pickup.


Where in California are you located?

I’m over in Pleasanton, CA. Near San Francisco.

Do you mind getting me the weight of filament ?? or whatever is to costly to ship.

Sure thing, I’ll get back to you tomorrow afternoon. I’m not able to do so today.

Havent heard from you. I remain interested. I would like to get some questions asked and closure if possible soon

I can do a local pickup Thursday or Friday of next week… and I have a friend interested in the Polysher unit which I could pick up at the same time.

Hello again and sorry for my belated response. I have a four month old son whose been extremely fussy lately. I haven’t had the chance to weigh the filament, but if you’ll be in town that would save me from having to weigh each one to get an accurate weight for shipping. Thursday or Friday next week will work perfectly for me. Also let me know if you’re friend has any questions about the Polysher.

Thanks for your patience!

My friend asked what color filaments you have for the Polysher? He also asked about price. I told him I thought you would reduce the price by the amount it would cost you to ship to Utah. If you are comfortable lowering the price anymore than shipping, let me know.

I would like to talk to you by phone for other questions and meeting time and place. Would you mind emailing me your name and phone number and I will return my contact information. (I would rather not have phone numbers on this forum post.) Email your contace information to


Thank you