Need the proper adhesive

Recently I cracked the glass plate on my print bed.

I removed the print bed heater from the broken glass with goo gone heated up to 40 degrees C.

I cleaned the surface of the print bed heater, and it’s in good shape, save for one small
minor cut and some frayed edges.

Does anyone know what adhesive to use to glue a new glass/PEI sheet to the old print bed heater?

I would buy a PEI sheet that already has the 3M adhesive on it. Gizmo Dorks sells 300x300 sheets, as does Lulzbot, and I believe WhamBam as well.

Actually, I need to attach the bed heater to the glass.

What kind of adhesive wold be best to do that?

Well about 5 years ago they recommended Silicone RTV to put the heater pad back on.