Nozzle Detection in Cura 3.6.7

I inherited a Lulzbot Taz 6. I need to ascertain what size nozzle is on this printer. How do I check for that in Cura 3.6.7? All the YT videos show how you do check for that in Ultimaker Cura but not in Cura 3.6.7

What other settings would be most important to know if I decided to slice the gcode of an .stl file in another slicer other than Cura?

Thank you.

The slicer only knows what it’s been told. Assuming you didn’t receive a computer with CuraLE already set up that the previous owner maintained the nozzle size in, it’s only going to tell you the default size: 0.5mm

The way to really check is to inspect the nozzle for markings.

The default mechanical speed settings should all be transferred, but if you’re doing something like OrcaSlicer, get a functioning profile, and use the calibration tools built in to get things set up properly. Since Cura and Prusaslicer-based slicers calculate speeds differently, you’ll probably end up with some poor profiles if you try and directly copy much from the other software.

Filament profile settings for temperature and bed temps are pretty good to use, but again - use OrcaSlicer’s calibration tools for max volumetric flow, retraction, and such to get good profiles.

Inspceting the nizzle with a magbifying lass jsut vlas a lot of pitted metal.

Isn;t ehre nay software which cna detect the actuall size of the nozzle?

It’s the original nozzle so won’t Lulzbot know what it shipped the Taz 6 with originally?

I imported that same .stl not the Prusa Slicer with the text and it printed perfectly.

I don’t have lime green PLA in 1.75 mm so I’ve been trying to get Cura to print as well with the 2.85 mm PLA with the Lulzbot Taz 6 but it doesn’t print the words.

Are you suggesting if I install the OrcaSlicer that will cut the gcode more accurately than Cura with a better chance of printing the text?

Is this the Orca Slicer you’re referring to?

Is that the same as the Bambu Lab?

I installed the Bambu Lab and tat doesn’t print the text any better than Cura.

The only Slicer resulting in good text in 50 or 60 mm is the Prusa Slicer - printed with the MK4.


Try and get some pictures of the nozzle and post them here, we will do our best to identify the nozzle. Assuming it’s not super caked with plastic. Previous owner could have replaced it, so you can’t go by the sticker on tool head - if it’s a modern toolhead.

Here’s 3 photos I just took of our Lulzbot Taz 6 nozzle.

Thank you!

No, software can’t detect the nozzle. It’s just a piece of metal with a hole in it that screws into a metal block.

Original nozzle was a 0.5mm nozzle. The pictures don’t help much, but it’s not an obvious replacement. If you heat it to about 180c and use something non-metal to scrub away the burnt-on plastic, you might be able to see a 0.5 or other number on the side of the nozzle.

A nozzle cannot make lines thinner than the nozzle opening, so if you have small text that has .4mm lines, Cura won’t try and make those lines. 1.75mm or 2.85mm filament makes no difference to the toolpaths that will generate, just how many turns of the extruder gears it needs to do to get a specific amount of filament out.

Yes, that’s the OrcaSlicer. It’s based on the Bambu Studio, that’s based on PrusaSlicer, that’s based on Slic3r.

If you replace the nozzle with a 0.4mm nozzle and tell Cura that is your nozzle size, it can try and do more detailed text.

The Taz 6 is about 8-9 years old and I have no idea who maintained it (if anyone). It probably has the original nozzle - what size nozzle did Lulzbot ship it’s Taz 6 out with?

If we assume, 0.5mm is it in Orca I would then proceed to make adjustment to this .stl for better text printing? Thanks.

I realize this isn’t a “lulzbot” per se question, but I’d appreciate your help. I’m in the process of installing the Orca Slicer and it prompts me for the Printer but does not list any Lulzbot. What printer would you recommend I choose to install Orca? Thank you.

It’s very likely the stock 0.5 nozzle, the extrusion is little thicker than what is typical on 0.4 nozzles. Roll with that and see how the prints look.

I started with generic marlin 0.4mm, adjusted the nozzle size, copied over the startup code, modified it where necessary, and went from there.

Definitely not something I’d expect beginners to do, which is why I’ve been working on making profiles to get incorporated into the build, but I do have other things going on, so it’s been slow. My Taz Pro Dual profile is nearly ready though, so there’s that.

The Orca Slicer requires me to choose a printer but doesn’t list any Lulzbot. There doesn’t appear to be any "standard o.5 mm to choose from. What printer choice did you make for your Orca slicing? Thanks.

From there, it’s to the printer settings and start changing it to match the printer:
You’ll find most of the settings in CuraLE in the printer settings to transfer over.

Anything in CuraLE in the GCODE sections that has brackets around it is some variable, you’ll have to check Orca’s library for the equivalent placeholder.

Clicking the Edit GCODE button brings a decent editor and searchable placeholder dictionarty: