PETG vs ABS filament

PETG is easier to print than ABS.

Price comparison, PETG more expensive than ABS:

Durability, ABS seems more durable than PETG according to these videos:

PETG is “food” safe.

Learn how to print ABS for truly durable parts. To mitigate warping: use a 5-10mm brim, no fan for initial layers, and keep the walls thin (~1 - 1.5mm). If parts are delaminating, increase extrusion temp by a degree or two and minimize cooling from the fan (50-60% max). For eSUN ABS, start with the bed @ 110C and extrusion temps of 245C. After 3-5mm, drop the bed temp to 100C, and extrusion temps to 245 -241C… YMMV depending on your print environment. An enclosure to keep ambient temps consistent help ABS printing.