T-Lyne from Taulman3D

Has anyone tried printing the new T-Lyne material from Taulman3D yet? I have been using their Bridge nylon without a problem. I received a sample of the new T-Lyne and I can’t seem to get it to feed correctly. I am using a TAZ5 with .5 mm nozzle. Taulman recommends a hotend temp of 185-220C and a bed temp of cold to 40C. Through a lot of experimentation I found that I had to crank the hot end temp up as high as 270 C before it seemed to really flow but even then, when I start a print, it squeezes out very little material. When I pull the filament out I find that it is crimped. What seems to be happening is it is attempting to advance the filament but it is not melting fast enough to extrude. Anyone else had this sort of problem? Any suggestions?



Question, is it crimping after the hobbed bolt? It may be doing what I found happens with PETG. The spring tension is too tight. Tighten till it just starts to extrude easily. It could be sticking to the bolt too much and getting messed up.

Oh, I see it’s a flexible material. Are you using the flexistruder? If not, it doesn’t have enough support in the wade extruder.

Oh, I see it’s a flexible material. Are you using the flexistruder? If not, it doesn’t have enough support in the wade extruder.

That’s what I was thinking too. I just have the standard .5mm nozzle.

Thank you!

What was the solution?