Hello everyone. I am new to this forum and also fairly new to the world of 3D printing.
i’ve searched all over the internet and could not find one post regarding auto bed leveling on the TAZ 5 so I’ve decided to make this topic be my first post.
FYI: I will be providing videos and information that I did not develop myself. I did however modify a little bit of the gcode to work with my printer.
All the latest versions of the Marlin firmware has an auto-leveling section within so, You will need to edit the firmware for the Taz 5, you do not / should not use firmware that was made and posted to be used with the Taz 3 or 4.
Assuming that you’ve already printed and assembled the probe parts from here:
All you need is the hardware from this one link. You do not need the (anti-backlash Z-nut and motor to M6 mount mod) or the (Lulzbot TAZ stiffened X motor and bearing mounts)
I had to do a little sanding in order to get my probe to retract without hitting the X axis motor.
This Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dNqr_FqxrYs has instructions on installing parts.
You can buy the heat set inserts from McMaster Carr http://www.mcmaster.com/#94180a331/=wzgqi5
And I recommend Ebay as the cheapest place if you want to get / install the (optional) 10mm LM10UU linear bearing
Step 1: Download your latest firmware from https://www.lulzbot.com/support/downloads
Step 2: Download and install the latest version of Arduino IDE http://www.arduino.cc/en/Main/Software
Step 3: Visit https://ohai-kit.alephobjects.com/project/firmware-flashing/ on instructions for Installing and loading your firmware in Arduino IDE
Step 4: Watch these videos: They are for a Makerfarm Prusa i3, but everything within the video except for the servo setup (which you can skip) is the same.
Step 5: Develop your gcode: It may take some time to get it fine tuned, but this is what I have so far.
I call this my work in progress as it may require some tweaking.
G21 ; set units to millimeters
G28 ; home all axes
G1 Z5 F5000 ; lift nozzle <----
M203 X192 Y208 Z4 ; set max rapid rates mm per sec
G91; set to incremental motion
G1 Z5.0 F11520; raise Z
G90; set to absolute motion
G28 X0 Y0; home X and Y axes
G1 X276 F11520; go to probe deployment position
G1 X288 F350; deploy probe
G1 X138 Y62 F11520; go to probing spot
G28 Z0; Home Z axes
G29; probe bed
G1 Z4.0 F11520; raise probe off bed
G1 X-10 F11520; go to probe retract position
G1 X-28 F350; retract probe
G1 X1 F350; move away from limit switch
G92 X28 Y98 Z4.2; Set actual location
And that’s pretty much all I have so far. Please comment and tell me what you think.
edit: removed part of the gcode: M206 X0.0 Y0.0 Z0; offset home position for fine tuning
reason: M206 doesn’t seem to be working with me so I use G92 instead.