Taz4 flexydually v2

I am setting up my Taz 4 for the flexydually version 2 and was curious about the extruder fan plug in. Can I follow the instructions for installing the second extruder wiring from the Taz 5 assembly here: https://ohai.lulzbot.com/project/c8d1632e-5df4-4844-8f4f-e653379a8fc3/a16b1f2d-5c1f-47fe-a83d-9d68cca5d62c/

Then when I update the firmware tell cura I am using a Taz 5 flexydually with the hexagon hot ends?


Does this help? https://www.lulzbot.com/tool-head-adapters

Somewhat, that is where I started at least. I am curious about the second hot end (E1) fan connection to the Rambo. There are a couple really good of guides for setting up the primary extruder (E0) for a hexagon hot end, (ohai.lulzbot.com, and xrobots.co.uk), but sadly my searches showed nothing for the second. From the Taz 5 instructions it looks like the second blower fan plugs into the 2 pins on the bottom row furthest to the right. I am just not 100% certain that is correct.


It looks like this is the pinout for the extruder on production Taz 5: http://devel.lulzbot.com/TAZ/Juniperbush/production_parts/Electronics/Extruder%20Connections/

I believe that is for the extruder connection on the x-carriage. What I am looking for is where the plug labeled “new” in this document: http://devel.lulzbot.com/TAZ/Juniperbush/production_parts/Electronics/Internal_Harnesses/CB-Extruder%20harness_Build%20Process%203.0.odg plugs into on the Rambo board for the second extruder.


Yes, the AUX power out pins. Down beside the Extruder and fan output headers.

The plug marked “NEW” is for the second heatsink blower. The assembly of the TAZ5 control box has the wiring instructions for the second extruder:

Thank you for your help, all of you, it is most appreciated. I thought that was where it plugged in, but wanted to make sure before I accidentally broke something. Maybe after I get my new extruder I will make a write up or video about the installation.

After browsing around on ohai.lulzbot.com on a full computer and not my phone I found the solution. https://ohai.lulzbot.com/project/prep-taz-4-second-extruder/accessories/. The E1 blower wires take the place of E0 blower wires on the Rambo board. They do not plug into the pins that i previously thought.
