What is the part called?

I was trying to tighten the belt on my x axis and this wedge with the brass threaded insert stripped and cracked the wedge itself. I looked on the site for a replacement but can’t find it and I don’t know what the “nomenclature” is. Help please. Also can I add my frustrated opinion and say the design behind the belt tensioning is just plain stupid. My cheap ender has a knob, I know the Lulzbot is a superior machine… but it seems like there wasn’t any thought into belt system when it comes to routine maintenance. Forgive my frustration but it seems like I’m doing everything with this machine except printing. It is a workhorse btw. Thanks in advance.


That would be the X Belt Clamp w/ Insert [PP-GP0380].
That part would not be on the website, but also where is it broken?
From the picture there, I am unable to see and breaks.

McLeach answered the direct question, and I would add that Lulzbot, being open hardware, has always provided source CAD files, STL files and (often) gcode for every 3D printed part on every printer they have manufactured. Typically it is found in the SD cards provided with each 3D printer. I have uploaded the STL file for you in this reply.
X_belt_clamp.stl (606.4 KB)