I recently purchased a second toolhead for a Taz 6. Same as the stock toolhead it came with (I believe it is the hexagon hot end). Looking to swap the hot end out so I can use it when I want to print in 1.75 pla. I saw a few threads saying the PTFE tubing could be replaced in it but I am wondering if there is a better way to mod it. Is there a hot end I can get that would or should have the same offset from the bed as the hexagon so all I have to do is change out toolheads and change filament diameter in slicer?
Offset from the bed doesn’t matter with the Taz 6 under stock build, since it measures off the nozzle tip touching the washers every print. Since the washers don’t move relative to the build surface, the exact height of the nozzle doesn’t matter. It’s one of the little benefits to the way the stock leveling works - no need to adjust Z offset on toolhead swaps. Frustration with a slightly tainted nozzle is a pain though, so I think most people are much happier doing the BLTouch swap and dealing with changing Z offset once per toolhead swap instead of frequent failure to get a proper bed level.
So for a toolhead, if you’re not doing BLTouch, I put together the Biqu H2 toolhead here: Lulzbot Taz - Biqu H2 Toolhead Mount by Wrathernaut | Download free STL model | Printables.com
It’s about $80 or so in parts, but you end up with spare fans, screws and threaded inserts. If you use the wiring from the second toolhead you got, it’ll save you from building a new harness and a few dollars too.
If you want to do it cheaper, you can get a 24v all-metal 1.75mm V6-style hotend, throw it in place of the Hexagon, and use a small printed spacer to fill the gap from the V6’s slightly longer throat on the heatsink. The PTFE tube will just go in the filament guide of the Wade extruder, but won’t be inside the actual hotend, so it’s not going to be a point of failure.
Thanks for the info. I have a bltouch on it so what then? Go with the second suggestion you made? Would I then need to re-mesh or rerun the bltouch everytime I swap it?
Unless you’re running modified firmware with UBL, you generally do a full mesh each print with BLTouch.
Firmware doesn’t support doing a BLTouch toolhead leveling, and also using the washers with another toolhead.