I have a Lulzbot Mini which has been working like a champ for a while, printing via Ocotoprint. I received a LulzBot Mini Single Extruder Tool Head v2.1 today. As I’ve read, I can’t use it until I use Lulzbot Cura to update the firmware for the new toolhead.
I’m on a 2017 Macbook Pro and the current Lulzbot Cura Beta can’t see the printer. Digging around in the forums here a bit, this looks like this is a problem with OS X 10.12 and 10.11 (?). So, my question is, how am I supposed to update my firmware to use it with my newly installed tool head if Lulzbot Cura on OS X 10.12 can’t even talk to the printer. I don’t have any ancient (pre-10.11) Macs laying around, or Windows machines. What are my options now to get my (now) non-functional Lulzbot Mini to work? The only “port” displayed in the Lulzbot Mini “Machine Settings” in the manage printers option is ‘0’.
Oh, and the Arduino IDE on this mac can see and talk to the printer over the serial monitor just fine. The printer is at /dev/cu.usbmodem1451 at 115200 baud. I see clear Marlin output there.
Further update:
The current version of standard Cura (2.6.2) can see the printer just fine if I connect Cura to it. So this is a Lulzbot Cura issue, not a Cura (in general) issue.
Of course, Cura 2.6.2 has no listing for Lulzbot machines in it and my only firmware option is to upload a custom firmware (I assume the only Taz Mini file available at www.lulzbot.com/content/downloads ) but if I did that, I’d still have no way to set the new toolhead so I’d be where I am right now.