Forum Search Problems

Frequently when searching this forum I get a message saying the words I’m searching for are too common. For example I search for KISSlicer and get this message? Really? KISSlicer is too common but Cura and slic3r aren’t? This is very frustrating, I don’t care if my query is too common or not I want the search to work! What does too common mean, 100 hits, 500, 1000, 1 million? Ok if there are a million hits just show me the first 100 and ask if I want to see more. Can this be fixed somehow? No search should ever fail unless there are no hits.


See thread below. Probably not the answer you are looking for but it may be helpful.


The forum does not offer any decent search addons/options to improve that. We’ve searched (pun intented) to no avail. Using the search string “ $searchTermsHere” works well in the major search engines.

Thanks Orias, that worked in Google and should help for the searches I have problems with.
