If extruder temp is lowered, should the print speed also be lowered

I am using a LTAZ5 at my maker space. Until recently, the printer was giving me very good prints. But lately, my prints have recently become stringy, do not adhere to the bed, and the printer constantly drools the PLA. I have swabbed the bed down three times with alcohol to no avail. So, I put a sheet of blue painter’s tape on the bed. That seems to have solved the adhesion issue. Because the PLA is leaving strings all over the place and the PLA is drooling out of the extruder, I have lowered the material print temperature to 190 degrees. That seems to have no effect. Though once long ago I printed at 180 degrees and got a good print, I would prefer not to lower the temp any further. I combed the internet about my problem and haven’t found an answer. So, in thinking about the problem, I wonder if speeding up the print speed would be what I need to try now. Does anyone have experience with doing this? I’ll take any and all suggestions.

Taz 5? Is the nozzle worn out? Check the opening size.

A .7mm nozzle can’t make a .5mm line, and the bigger the nozzle, the easier ooze happens.

The slower you push out filament, the longer heat can creep upward without the cooling action of solid filament coming in.

Different PLA blends have different optimal temperatures, so it’s best to do a basic temp tower to determine where your target is.

Thank you, Wrathernaut. I’ll check these things out.

I generally 3DPrint PLA at +210•c though you could Print PLA as high as 220•c

Heat the PLA to 245•c then clear the extrusion chamber than save settings then it off

Clean the bed

Then try just as I do