Issues With Bed Leveling

Hello! I am trying to repair a Lulzbot TAZ Pro, as it is currently unable to print. Every time a print is started, it tries to auto-level the bed, gets stuck in the middle, and aborts the print. All attempts to level the bed or use the Probe Mesh functions cause similar failures. When these failures occur, the firmware crashes, making it impossible to exit the print without turning the machine off and on again manually.

I have attempted starting prints from both SD cards and directly from my computer, and I have also attempted to update the firmware. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

Have you run debug through console to see what’s happening when it fails? No expert, just got a Taz 6 a couple weeks ago. But it may give you some more info on what’s occuring.

I have not: How do I go about doing that?

When you connect to your printer (assuming in Cura), open the console and look for the debug checkbox next to the send command button. Maybe you can get some info out of it before the program crashes.

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I use the Lulzbot edition of Cura. I ran it with the console and got these errors:

<<< [13:15:28] //action:notification Leveling Print Bed…

<<< [13:15:28] ok N60 P14 B13

<<< [13:15:28] ok P14 B13

<<< [13:15:30] echo:busy: processing

<<< [13:15:36] Error:!! STOP called because of BLTouch error - restart with M999

<<< [13:15:36] echo:Writing UI settings to SPI Flash (offset -32404)…DONE

<<< [13:15:36] EEPROM backed up to SPI Flash

<<< [13:15:36] Error:Printer stopped due to errors. Fix the error and use M999 to restart. (Temperature is reset. Set it after restarting)

<<< [13:15:36] //action:notification STOPPED.

<<< [13:15:36] //action:notification Preheating…

<<< [13:15:37] Preheating

<<< [13:15:40] Error:!! STOP called because of BLTouch error - restart with M999

<<< [13:15:40] echo:Writing UI settings to SPI Flash (offset -32404)…DONE

<<< [13:15:40] EEPROM backed up to SPI Flash

<<< [13:15:44] Error:!! STOP called because of BLTouch error - restart with M999

<<< [13:15:44] echo:Writing UI settings to SPI Flash (offset -32404)…DONE

<<< [13:15:44] EEPROM backed up to SPI Flash

<<< [13:15:46] Error:!! STOP called because of BLTouch error - restart with M999

<<< [13:15:46] echo:Writing UI settings to SPI Flash (offset -32404)…DONE

<<< [13:15:46] EEPROM backed up to SPI Flash

<<< [13:15:46] //action:notification Probing Failed

<<< [13:15:47] Error:Probing Failed

<<< [13:15:47] X:88.00 Y:52.00 Z:15.00 E:-12.00 Count X:8775 Y:5200 Z:7500

<<< [13:15:47] ok N61 P15 B12

<<< [13:15:47] ok N62 P15 B13

<<< [13:15:47] echo:Invalid mesh.

<<< [13:15:47] Error:Failed to enable Bed Leveling

<<< [13:15:47] echo:Bed Leveling OFF

<<< [13:15:47] echo:Fade Height OFF

<<< [13:15:47] ok N63 P15 B14

<<< [13:15:47] ok N64 P15 B14

<<< [13:15:47] ok T:156.36 /235.00 B:63.56 /0.00 @:0 B@:0

<<< [13:15:47] ok T:156.36 /235.00 B:63.56 /0.00 @:0 B@:0

<<< [13:15:48] ok N65 P15 B12

<<< [13:15:48] ok P15 B13

<<< [13:15:48] ok N66 P15 B14

<<< [13:15:48] //action:notification Final Heating… Please Wait.

<<< [13:15:48] ok N67 P15 B15

<<< [13:15:48] Printer stopped due to errors. Fix the error and use M999 to restart. (Temperature is reset. Set it after restarting)

<<< [13:15:48] //action:notification STOPPED.

<<< [13:15:48] echo:Writing UI settings to SPI Flash (offset -32404)…DONE

<<< [13:15:48] EEPROM backed up to SPI Flash

<<< [13:15:48] ok N68 P15 B12

<<< [13:15:48] T:155.62 /235.00 B:63.33 /0.00 @:0 B@:0 W:?

<<< [13:15:49] T:155.58 /235.00 B:63.17 /0.00 @:127 B@:0 W:?

<<< [13:15:50] T:155.85 /235.00 B:63.12 /0.00 @:127 B@:0 W:?

<<< [13:15:50] echo:busy: processing

<<< [13:15:51] T:156.69 /235.00 B:62.89 /0.00 @:127 B@:0 W:?

Well, I see all the BLTouch leveling errors. And a quick search shows an adapter kit for the Taz Pro, so I assume that it doesn’t normally have it. Do you have one installed? If not, ensure it’s disabled in your machine settings.

As h3lmh0lt said, first question is, do you have the BLTouch?

Assuming you have the BLTouch installed, and you say you’re repairing it, I would recommend assuming the BLTouch was never installed correctly, and go through the official instructions - OHAI: Open Hardware Assembly Instructions

If you are still experiencing errors after that, it would greatly help to post a video of the attempted leveling on youtube or google drive so we can see what it’s doing (or not doing).