I’m new to 3d Printing and my Uncle gave me his old Lulzbot Taz 4 to work as a Christmas gift! I’ve spent the last few months trying to wrap my head around basic 3d printing best practice! Then One day I suddenly had no extrusion from my hot end. Unnerved I try the few basic procedures I know, Turning the hotend up and trying to extrude, Trying a cold pull manually. Neither of those worked and the cold pull didn’t even work properly resulting in ground down filament I could no longer grasp.
I then try to disassemble the whole printhead to figure out what is going on. Then I found that the filament had been lodged into the metal frame before the BudaschnozzleI tried my hardest to wedge on it with a pair of plyers to see if I could get any give and unfortunately ripped the only bit of the plastic that was accessible to me off. This then resulted in this situation:
I have no idea what to do in this situation and I would like to ask you all if you have any ideas on how to fix this issue without getting a whole new printhead.
The thing about lulzbots is if their is a problem with the toolhead you can swap with a extra (if you must)
But yeah if you Looking for ideas try topics like consumer handys , spare parts , toys , etc feel free to explore other options of what to print
But I will let you know this is a good time for you to be a inventor
Okay perfect! I’ve tried to heat up the filament and remove it that way and that hasn’t worked! But I’ll try to come up with another way to remove it! Thank you!
I’m heating it to at least 70 on the hotbed to get it a little loose. However, That didn’t seem to work, but I got an Allen key that was a little smaller than the hole, and a wrench, heated up the filament a little and used the Allen key to push the filament and that seemed to ease it out! Thank you for the help though.
I got an Allen key that was a little smaller than the hole, and a wrench, heated up the filament a little and used the Allen key to push the filament and that seemed to ease it out! I actually had another look at the Lulzbot 4 profiles and I had accidentally set my line width too small and once I’d done that I havent had a jam since! Thank you for the help though!
The Taz 4 suffers from heat creep, the longer the print, heat slowly travels from the hotted up the tube and the cooling fins don’t help, eventually the filament expands where it’s not supposed to, causing a jam. It was solved from the Taz 5 onward with a change to the hotted and a little fan. I’ve had my taz for 9 years, it was a taz 4, I upgraded to the taz 5 when the kit came out, that solved the problem. I’m not sure you could get upgrade now, it would be open source so you might be able to get the list of parts to recreate it, it requires a new wire loom to the hot end though, and a firmware update.
Try this post for a fan duct modification to keep the tube above the hot end cool, might be easier, hope it helps.