A problem has arisen with my new upgraded Lulzbot Taz 6 Hemera stepper motor not extruding filament. (I.e. gearing is not rotating at the set temperature e.g. PLA at 200 0C).
The E-steps and firmware updates have been applied successfully through the Graphical LCD - (LulzBot TAZ 6 | SE | 0.5 mm-(Aero V2).
Filament can easily be extruded by hand, indicating that the nozzle is free from restrictions.
All of the Molex 4 / 16 / 20 two row connections appear to be sound with only the power to the stepper motor being affected.
Re-installation of the Taz 6 Aerostruder extruder, the printer functions perfectly.
I have checked through the E3D forum hoping that I might have found an answer.
I am not quite sure as to what to try next and would appreciate any advice?
The Hemera stepper motor and the wiring harness are brand new unit purchased through Itworks3d.com; who have asked for photographs of the setup?
Is the any way I can verify the electrical integrity of the motor and the wiring?
I personally think - (only a guess) - that it maybe the wiring in the transition harness being cross connected where it goes from a Molex 16 double row to a Molex 20 double row on the Hemera.
If you bought it from itworks3d.com have you reached out to them? I have a couple of their tool heads. They are insanely responsive over email. Half the time responding within a few minutes.
@lewers That sounds awesome! I’ve been watching that head for a minute. The only thing that slows me down is being forced to the smaller filament. I have a ton of 2.85 filament.
Any reaction to the new toolhead? I’m tired of dealing with issues on dual v3 and stock 2.1 toolheads on my taz 6. Some printers cost less than the new toolheads.
Well said! I’m with you on that. I’d like to try the Hemera when they become available again however, since there hasn’t been any new developments in Cura LE In quite a while, I’m hesitant to put any more money towards Lulzbot products.
I’m experiencing the same problem. I bought my Hemera toolhead through IT-works 3D and I updated my firmware to the SE aerostruder V2 firmware from Lulzbot’s site. When I update the firmware, I get a message saying the wrong toolhead detected. The temperature and fan work but the extruder doesn’t. What exactly did you do to fix it?
Hey Aaron, I just finished this upgrade myself and was having same issue, and i found out i had to swap both wires on the connector on the motor side. let me know if this helps or if you already fixed the isse.