I’ve been wrestling around with trying to tune my settings. My original prints came out pretty good. I noticed that once my sample of nGen ran out and I started to use the spools of eSun PLA that i bought that things started to get funky. I used the built in Cura profile, but was getting some issues with the filament not extruding properly. Many of my prints that had fitted pieces would not fit without a ridiculous amount of post print sanding, filing and cutting. Someone had told me that I should look at lowering the temp to about 200 and reducing the extrusion a bit. So, I set the Flow % to about 90. That in combination with the lowered temp made my parts align a lot better, but still not perfect.
I printed out a Benchy model to see how it came out and about 90% of it came out great. There are just a few details that need to be addressed. I have a few spools of Hatchbox PLA on their way, and I hope that it’s maybe the filament that is causing the issues, but I’m not completely sold on that yet. Many of the models I print look good with a few small imperfections. Most of the time it’s a few bumps.
Here’s a pic of the bench I printed on eSUN color changing PLA: https://imgur.com/a/2Sl5n
I basically used the beginner mode set to eSUN PLA and then went into Advanced mode to change the temp and layer height. Settings used:
.2mm layer height
200C nozzle
60C bed
20% infill
50mm print speed