Hey guys and gals
I have a TAZ 6 that i have had forever and a day always been a good printer but i have since replaced with bambu labs x1c’s. About a month ago i decided to knock the dust off of it and convert it to dual 1.75 extruders and install a PEI mag plate. So here is how it is going, oh i mean the lack of going.
So as of now i have the printer stripped down and replaced all the original slide bearings with ball bearing, I have install my dual extruder and want to use Ender style tech for the extruder feeds. etc, Ender 4 and ender 5 where the stepper is mounted to the frame of the machine and ptfe pipe is ran to the extruder to save on the weight. so with all that said the wiring and the mechanical install i have covered, but when i went to load the firmware i am a bit lost. I am really hoping that i can find someone that will help me build the exact custom firmware i need. I am willing to donate or buy someone some coffee or redbull. Here is what i have and hoping to be able to do
TAZ 6 base machine
I have extended all the 80/20 aluminum extrusions to create a 500x500x700 build space. However right now i am at 300x300x285
Dual 1.75 extruders
3 min limit switches
3 max limit switches
dual z motors
BL Touch
I have tried for at lest 3 nights a week for hours to load firmware on my v1.1 but the TFT screen says no printer attached. I am sure it is simple but i have missed something this is my first reach out, but i have been googling and watching you tube videos and still not getting the result that the people in the videos are getting.
Thanks all for the help
Anything related to LulzBot Firmware
You can also submit issue or feature requests here https://gitlab.com/lulzbot3d/marlin2.0
For getting the screen working, you might want to try a BTT group either reddit or facebook, as there’s nothing about that setup that involves any lulzbot expertise.
I run an octopus 1.1 on my Taz6, but stuck with the original screen, since I run almost everything through octoprint anyway.
do i have to load the TAZ 6 firmware and then the TFT screen firmware or is it all together.
can you send me the firmware you are using as i have a close setup to what you have from a post i seen and you are using the 1.1 so hoping to be a drop in i don’t mind using octoprint
I don’t own a TFT, but as far as I know, they have their own firmware that is loaded if you’re using it in touchscreen mode. If you want to run it in “standard” mode, it’s controlled by the board.
I run a fairly custom build right now, I’ve been meaning to update to do UBL and such, but it’s been very stable, so haven’t had great reason to update. It looks like it may have been a couple years since I built it. I just checked and it’s old enough it doesn’t compile properly anymore, so it’d be much better to build out Marlin clean.
I’m set up for BLTouch and sensorless homing on X/Y, so you’d want to replace your microswitches with TPU bumpers to avoid damaging them if you were to run my firmware directly.
Just checked files on this system, and I don’t have the binary of the firmware, but I’m pretty sure it’s on a SD card by the printer.
i am looking into sensorless homing now as that would be a great upgrade and i can print the bumpers. all this is great and hopefully you are able to find the firmware as i am excited to get this back up and running. Thank you again for the help any and all the info is helpful.
I’ve got an older build posted at wrathernaut/Marlin-2.1.x-OctoTaz6-BL
I would recommend using it as a reference and build clean.
I’m going to start on a Marlin 2.1.3-b2 build today, there seem to be some good advantages worth updating my machine… it’s been a while since last build.
I compiled the 2.1.3-b2 build, I’m currently using the printer, so I don’t want to mess with the firmware at the moment, but I can give you the compiled firmware, or the config files if you want to tweak it and compile it yourself.
Update: Firmware posted to github here:
(Untested) Binary here:
thank you i will give this a try and see what i can do
You’ll definitely need to do the autotune PID of the printbed, and autotune MPC of the toolhead, as well as set your BLTouch tool offsets before attempting to do your first print. I think the current offsets are for my custom orbiter+hexagon toolhead, which I doubt anyone else has put together.
how do i power or get my lcd display to work the orginal taz 6 screen. plugged it in using the ribbon cables in exp1 and exp2 but nothing on my screen
Your LCD may have inverted the cables. The black plastic with the indexing notch on the screen’s board would need to be flipped around. They can be carefully lifted away, rotated, and pushed back on.