Hello, I’m experimenting uploading/updating my Taz 6 firmware via OctoPrint Firmware Updater plugin because I primary print via OctoPrint and the USB port on my Taz 6 isn’t easily accessible due to it being in an enclosure. Having to upload firmware via Cura/laptop is pretty troublesome when I’m constantly switching between single and dual nozzle print heads (and considering adding a Twoolhead as well).
I found the firmware binary here, but they are not as updated compare to Cura ( vs nor is Twool head firmware there either.
Is there anyway I could extract the each config of firmware binary from Cura 3.2.23? Also, I tried uploading Twool head firmware from Cura and was presented with firmware missing error.
Thanks for the reply. nice to know where the newer .hex files are.
I’ve been running ino tons of issue trying to get coloradoprintingproject’s Taz 6 firmware to compile with Arudino 1.8.5, and as far as I can tell it is also based on a pretty old version of the firmware. So I took Marlin_TAZ6_DualExtruderV2_1.1.9.13_031f96981.config and tried to merge it Configuration.h and Configuration_adv.h hoping to piece together a working, more updated firmware for my own version of the Twoolhead, but also ran into a bit of compiling issues.
I am getting “‘K2’ was not declared in this scope” error on this line:
dTerm_bed = K2 * bedKd * (current_temperature_bed - temp_dState_bed) + K1 * dTerm_bed;
compile error.txt (68.9 KB)
But K2 value doesn’t seem to be referenced anywhere.
I built my “Twoolhead” by taking apart my DualExtruderV2, and all the hardware/wiring are working perfectly when I tested it with TAZ6_DualExtruderV2 firmware.
I’ve also attached my Configuration.h and Configuration_adv.h files in this post if anyone could kindly assist me with this. Also, How/where do I modify from this current state of DualExtruderV2 firmware to make both extrude motors mirror each others movement for dual printing?
Configuration.h (62.1 KB)
Configuration_adv.h (58.7 KB)