Horrible under extrusion, blobs and layer shift on taz 6

My LulzBot TAZ 6 3D printer is experiencing severe print quality issues. The most prominent problem is under-extrusion. Additionally, there are noticeable blobs of filament that create rough patches on the surface of the prints. To make matters worse, the prints are also suffering from significant layer shifts.

A few notes:

But in general, the whole thing looks too like things are running too hot, and your first layer is too close. What temp and material?

For the first layer issue, if you’re using a unmodified, default profile that matches your filament in size and type, it’s usually a dirty nozzle causing the bed to be detected lower than it physically is.

The nozzle is basically new and clean the filament is pla printing at 200c

When it fails, is it jammed?

200c should be fine w/PLA, unless you’re going too slow. It might just be a very glossy filament, but it still looks like it’s getting hotter than necessary. Is your fan on? Can you give a picture of your toolhead, to include a good shot of the nozzle?

The print looks like there’s zero cooling going on and it’s not unheard of that the heatbreak or part cooling fans get put on backward.

Sure here: file:///C:/Users/valen/OneDrive/Pictures/Camera%20Roll/WIN_20240814_13_46_04_Pro.mp4

it is a link just copy paste in your browser.

Here is also a shot of how it prints.

That link to the video is on your hard drive. Nobody else can see it. You can try uploading to youtube or dropbox.

But the picture worked, it the fans are pointed in the right direction, and the heatbreak fan appears to be spinning, so that’s a plus.

The top of the print looks like the nozzle jammed, so I still would suspect heatcreep-induced jamming.

What firmware are you using? You may be running for the wrong toolhead, throwing your steps/mm off.

Cura beta v2.10. It might be a heat creep since my heatbock fan got damaged a little.

Heatbreak fan damage would definitely cause heatcreep.

I’m going to assume you mean that you’re running CuraLE 4.13 - Beta 2.10, but CuraLE is up to 4.13.10 now, so it’s good to update.

If not, and you really are running CuraLE 2.10… download CuraLE 4.13.10, and update to the latest “universal toolhead” firmware. You may have to manually point it to the 2.xxx firmware since it doesn’t always automatically update if you’re on firmware 1.xxx

Then slice with a default PLA profile and see what you get.

So I tried printing in a fresh roll of petg and I started printing just fine. So I think it might be that the filament might have been wet ill have to try to dry it.

It also could be that from printing so much with petg my settings have been optimized for petg but are bad for pla?

Update: it printed better in petg but not perfect.

nvm its printing just as bad

When it is printing bad, is it jammed?

When it jams, is the filament stripped by the extruder gear?

Yes it does strip the filament also the filament comes out much easier even when the nozzle is completely cold.

Do a few cold pulls, and then verify that your nozzle has been tightened properly. You have to tighten to torque spec in stages - cold, 180, 220, 250, 270, 300.

Do not try and tighten it with power on, it’s very easy to accidentally short wires on the heater or thermistor while trying to grab the heater block and at best, toast a fuse, and at worst, ruin your control board.

Ok ill do that for sure and yes i know i have already shorted it twice

My cold pulls are looking a little weird

I tried tightening like you said still getting this.

Can you post the gcode of the benchy you are printing? I take it this a stock 0.5 nozzle?