Wow, the tone here went downhill quick. Its a shame as I think there was a good debate going on, but alas like most things on the internet it devolves to name calling etc.

@jebba I do have one observation. You keep asking Jonathan why he posts here instead of the 1000000 other places on the internet. I suspect it is because of his enjoyment of his printer. He has a TAZ, he built an accessory for the TAZ, it makes sense to go to the main TAZ discussion forum to talk about it. If you all don’t want him to do this, you should post some rules about what is acceptable and what is not.

I personally see both sides of this discussion. I am a frequent contributer to open source projects, I have many open source software libraries I maintain, I design and assemble open source hardware products for the special needs community. I also hold a few patents, and build and sell proprietary closed source software.

The world is a large place, there is room for us all, open source has its place, as does closed source. The important thing is to be passionate about something, but be respectful of other peoples passions as well.

My 2 cents that no one asked for.

P.S. Please don’t push the GPL, there are other better open licenses. I waste more money annualy on attorneys doing GPL license reviews then I would care to admit.

wantsmy2000, I appreciate that response, I would hope other’s chime in also…


Not going to get into a debate about the semmantics of OP licenses in this thread. I want to keep this thread focussed on HotBox development.

If I was to “LABEL”…the project as GPLv3, would that make you happy? You’ve heard my reasoning to why I wanted to stick with NC license for the time being and apparently that really bothers you. If we were to change to a GPLv3, then we should have no problem selling kits here as I see techsavvy and other selling replica parts for the Lulzbot Taz printers, not to mention many other people selling even more Lulzbot specific parts here on the forums.

Also, not sure how you interpret an NC license as not allowing you to host files??? You can host files all day long, you just can’t put those files up for sale…pretty straight forward.


One last thing as I suspect others will be reading this and have license questions, its worth reading up on all the different licenses yourself at They have a ton of the open source licenses there with good descriptions.

And for what its worth I agree with Jonathan’s interpretation of the Non-Commercial clause. You are free to build, copy, change, make deriviatives of his Hotbox, use his documentation, etc. If you republish it you need to use the same license and attribute the original work to him. You just can’t sell it, nor can you incorporate his work into a commercial product.

Lastly, if you do wish to use it commercially you would need to contact Jonathan for a license to do so. He would be well within his rights to charge you for that license.

This pattern is typical in the Open Source software world (e.g. If you are giving back by offering up a derivative for free, you can use it for free. If you are going to use it commercially you pay. Its simple and I think fair.

I read a blog ( recently, written by the author of Mongrel (Ruby Webserver), where he made a great point about software license choice and I think it is a great read for people passionate about this subject. For the TL/DR folks his point is “It’s The Author’s Right”.

I typically enjoy the discussions in these kinds of forums as there are passionate people trying to do things outside the box. Building things, making things, dreaming. These kinds of passions are hard to find in these days of disposable everything, dollar store on every corner, virtual lives. I love seeing what people make. I love being involved in passionate discussions. But I get tired of the ugly that tends to come from the anonymity of forums.

Off to print some busts of my kids in bronzefill, scanned with a structure 3D scanner, on my TAZ 5 and to machine a nice oak base to mount them on.


Honestly I tend to agree with Jeff, “JonathanB” excuse to need a NC license to have some profit of it is just invalid.

Taz is 100% open source and look how well are they doing, and I can see his point of a company who support open source development, have a dedicated forum for it having “promotions” of NC hardware with the excuse that it is the only way to get some profit of it would be kind of annoying and unfunded.

I truthfully wish JonathanB the best luck with his project and his company, but I don’t think this is the right place of affirmations like that.

Hey Steve,

Great comments for sure, really really appreciated. I’m weighing all of this ofcourse and consulting with my friend and silent partner in this venture…

It’s unfortunate that Jeff let his emotions get the best of him because he didn’t do a very good job of selling his cause, a cause that apparently he feels EXTREMELY passionate about…AND a cause that NEEDS to be “sold” because it is a very very strange and new concept for all of us who live in a market economy, to wrap our heads around.

With that having been said…had a quick meeting with the Hotbox board :stuck_out_tongue: We weighed the pro’s and con’s, obviously Lulzbot was successful using the GPLv3 and would prefer we use it AND given the fact that I personally don’t feel like a license holds any weight anyway, in terms of trying to protect anything.
AND because we’d obviously like to stick around here on the lulzbot forums with this project.

We’ve decided to change the License to GPLv3… more info at

Now, if this was started outside of the Lulzbot arena, I would have probably stuck with the original license for the first little while, as I feel it’s a nice balance of open source “free” combined with non commercial clause…so I will just have to disagree with Jeff’s philosophy on what a good open source license is. It’s unrealistic to think you’re going to do away with closed source, patents, closed off information etc. Go try to argue that to the US military spec ops devision…:slight_smile: But again, I think it’s only fair to comply with what Jeff wants, considering this is their house, their rules…

Whatever happens, so be it. No one can take this project away from me. I am the designer, the creator, ultimately no matter who copies it, benefits from it, makes money with it, etc. all comes back to this project and this thread and me, of course with the help of the community and some silent partners also.
That’s worth all the value in the world to me, license or no license. I started this, and along with the community we will develop it and it will kick even more a$$, as we perfect it.

So anyone who supported me by helping out either financially, or bought a kit, YOU guys are just as much a part of this as me. If you built your own Hbox inspired enclosure from sourcing your own parts, like Maikanov did, that’s great also!

By the way, only 2 kits left! I have half the parts in, just waiting on the hardware, a lot of the stuff is coming in from overseas, obviously it’s the best way to keep the costs down, BUT the catch is it can take a while, if you are on the waiting list, please just hold tight! You’re going to love these kits, I’d post some pictures of what I have so far but for some reason I can’t attach images anymore… have I been locked out?

Try scaling down the image size. I noticed recently that I can no longer attach full size iPhone pictures.

Ok, thanks…

Kit’s will look something like this…still missing most of the small hardware, few other odd parts… I have all the trim cut also, just didn’t show it… should fit into a pretty small box so shipping to US shouldn’t be too bad :slight_smile: If you’re outside the US, expect it be a little more, I have one kit going to Italy, about 50$ shipping…

This looks promising also, hopefully when everyone get’s their kits they can start experimenting…

has anyone started printing the parts? any issues so far? Obviously if you don’t have an enclosure to begin with, you can just print them in PLA and then switch over to ABS after, that’s how I did it.

Yup, I’ve printed out a set of parts, acquired the acrylic sheet, and started to cut a few of the wooden pieces already!

lol… can you post pictures of some of the parts for others to see how things should look? …*winks.

Yup, here is a pic of the parts:

I was able to get the acyrlic panel for about 50 bucks at a local plastic shop. For anyone in the Seattle area, the place was called “Plastic Sales and Service”, and they had it done in a few days no problem.


Ack, love it, looks great, love the color scheme, are you going to paint the box or just leave it wood? Can’t wait to see your finished build! Great to hear about the plastic panel also…honestly I would have waiting until the box was built first, just to double check the angles, carpentry *ehem, can sometimes not be an exact science lol :wink: if anything is a little out of whack, I’d adjust the wood vs. the acrylic, will be cheaper that way… also, be very careful with making all the cut outs in the acrylic, it’s a biznatch to work with, bits can crack it, hot pockers give off crazy fumes… to anyone out there with the resources, best way to do would be to have the acrylic laser cut, then bent, but that could end up being slightly pricey…oh reminds me, I don’t think I added the .DXF files for the acrylic panel, I’ll get on that and at it to the file dump…

oh by the way, you mentioned you had your panels cut…??? were they laser cut? care to share some photos for us?

I can’t tell in the image, but does the ebox vent port have a lip on it??? I hope I didn’t upload the wrong file, the old one had a lip but it contacted the fan bolts on the ebox so you had to gouge out some parts of it to fit properly, I made a new file without the lip on the tube part so it would fit ok…lemme know, maybe I got those parts confused.

thanks for sharing!

Hmm, painting it is a good idea, but I haven’t considered it much yet. I ended up just cutting the panels with a handsaw, and the framing in a miter box. I think it would be cleaner if you have the equipment, but it’s doable by hand.

Cool, just catching up now. Thanks for putting it under the GPLv3! :slight_smile:


:wink: Yep, you got it.

@ kaldyn, good to know for those that don’t have all the power tools… for sure, if you’re good with a hand saw and a mitre box, you can do anything you can with the powered stuff…

*another quick update for everyone, I have everything sitting here, except for the wire loom and some of the small hardware, which I’m still waiting on…if it doesn’t come within the next week or two, I’m going to just go get everything locally and throw it into the kit so I can start sending them out… I’ve done one quick shipping estimate for kaldyn, he’s on the west coast so that’s pretty far from where I am, it was 25$US, expidted parcel - USA tracked shipping, about 4 business days delivery time… but obviously, will depend on your location. Like I said, I should be ready to start collecting payments in a week or two. For those on the waiting list, just hang in there.

thanks guys :wink:


All the kits from the original batch of ten are sold! woot woot! We’re going to get these shipped out and then we will be ordering more parts for more kits!, So don’t worry, if you want a kit, we’ll make it happen.

I just uploaded two new files, flatplexi_dxf and .dwg. This file can be used if you want laser cut the acrylic panel…
mind you I used math to find the distance of the bend angle when converting it from bent to flat, bending the acrylic is sort of an imprecise procedure so it could provide mixed results…so I warn anyone, this hasn’t been tested, hopefully someone will take the plunge and try it and let us know how it turned out… you’ll want to make sure you get your bend at the right location or the bottom magnet plate holes might not match with the magnet enclosures properly.