I installed the new Dual Extruder V3 and Cura 2.6.52 yesterday. I had a couple of issues I’ll list later. The most critical issue is that either the firmware or the software is screwing up and will jam the head. I haven’t found any specific reason for it and am not able to reproduce on demand, but it will reproduce itself when I’m not paying attention.
First, I printed the test gears per the instructions without any problems. I then load esun PLA+ in the left and esun PVA in the right. I printed a job without any issues ( except the ones trying to find the correct settings, which I’m not going to get into right now). After the job finished I cleared the bed and loaded the next file. I walked away and heard a bad grinding noise. Ran back and shut off the machine. The nozzle had decided to perform a clean right on the Z axis mini toggle extension, which jammed the nozzles into the extension and pushed it to the left (away from the bed). I noticed that when you install the extension holder properly you can see slots in the lower cable mount so I put a couple of small wire ties through the slots and around the cable holder to keep the extension holder pressed against the bed.
I started the job and didn’t have any problems. After that I started another job and walked away. Heard a nasty sound again and found the nozzles trying to wipe beyond the new extended wiper pad. In other words, when the job starts, the nozzles should move to the beginning of the pad and then wipe along the length of it. For some reason the nozzles had moved to the middle of the pad to start and was moving across the plastic pad holder at the end. Got everything set back up and restarted the job. It started to jam again on the z axis extension holder. This time I figured I’d shut off everything, restart, home the machine, and restart the job. After that it printed fine.
I then started the next print job. This time I figured that even thought the machine was still on and connected I would home the axis before beginning, just in case it was losing it’s position. I then started the job. After heating the print heads to begin a wipe, instead of moving along the y axis to the pad, it immediately moved down (z-) and start wiping into the z axis extension, which broke the extension holder after pulling the metal extension out of the holder. I stopped everything, then restarted. This time I started the job with my finger on the power button just in case. The print job started fine. I’ll have to print another extension holder.
So, something is causing the firmware or software to lose track of where it is and what it’s doing. That means I have to start every job with my finger on the power button just in case. So far it’s either jammed against the z axis extension holder, or against the extended wiper pad.