inmoov robot

I am working on building an inmoov robot. It is an open source 3d printed lifesize robot. More information can be seen here

I printed this in abs in the medium setting. I am working on doing it over in fine settings and white right now. I wanted a working model so I could visualize it better. I had some abs warping/splitting due to some issues with my enclosure that I have resolved now. I will also be doing one piece at a time to help minimize it. A 2nd printer could really speed this project along. I have been eyeballing the Taz mini as a 2nd printer.

Very nice!

How long did it take to print stuff on the second photo?

Your InMoov looks awesome! Do you have any pictures we could share for you on our social media? I am from Wevolver.

Wow, that’s super cool!! Nice job!

Holy cow! that’s awesome! reminds my of Ex-Machina