Lulzbot Mini Y axis Issue

I have Two Mini’s that are currently not working.

The first I fear may be good only for parts. I had been working with Support on a fix, I had replaced the wiring harness and the same issue continued where hot end was not getting hot.

The second only recently failed, and I have not heard from support in over a month. I am hoping this is an easier fix, which is why I am here asking for help.

When I start a print, the Build Plate moves forward in the Y axis and hits the front but doesn’t stop and makes a loud clicking noise.

Here is my Console

< [13:13:28] X:142.00 Y:142.00 Z:0.00 E:0.00 Count X:14271 Y:14271 Z:0

< [13:13:47] X:0.00 Y:191.00 Z:159.00 E:0.00 Count X:0 Y:19196 Z:254400

< [13:14:28] Error:Heating failed, system stopped! Heater_ID: bed

< [13:14:28] Error:Printer halted. kill() called!

Also, I am interested in purchasing more printers for my farm but am extremely hesitant because of how difficult getting support has been. I am not a tinkerer and would prefer to pay for repairs, that being said does anyone know someone close to Denver CO that would be able to do repairs on my printers when they go down?

Thanks in advance!

I’m sorry I can’t help out with your problem, but if you’re interested in selling the one you have for parts, please PM me.

Cant find where to PM you for the life of me, could that be because I am new to the forum or am I just blind?

Willing to sell the parts one for sure, are you local? Maybe try sending me a message first.


Just found out that lulzbot has moved from Colorado to North Dakota and they are still setting up shop there. I suggest sending email to tech support

Cant find where to PM you for the life of me, could that be because I am new to the forum or am I just blind?

If you click someone’s name in the message forum, a small window should pop up and you should see a blue button that says “Message” to send a private/direct message.


Thanks for the help Tim! I actually already picked up and received the mini. In the process of getting it running.