Alright, I could use some help here people.
Part of my pre-print routine, is to heat the hot end up, and extrude plastic out and let it hang, usually having it fall off as the hot end cools. I do this because back in my Mini days, if you didn’t prep it like this sometimes, it may miss a first layer. Also heating it I take a paper tower and wide down the hot end, getting any excess filament that’s.
Well the other day I went to do this and it started pig tailing bad. No room for error or anything just shoots backwards. It didn’t do this the previous print.
Now I am running a Lulzbot Taz 6, with the original Single Extruder head (which I love). Running Inland PLA (the same spool for awhile in fact)
I went ahead and proceeded to do a hot pull, did pull out some stuff, then did some more hot pulls and cold pulls. They all came out clean, however, even the cleaning filament would keep pig tailing, despite all the pulls coming out clean. I went ahead and scrubbed the hot end down with a green scrubby pad, no luck. I went and wiped it down with Isopropyl alcohol, no luck. Shoot one of the cold pulls I put the sucker up to 260 C to try and bake stuff out. Another time I pulled the fan off for a short bit (a trick support had me do to my SL, so thought I’d try it here)
None of my cleaning tricks are working, and what’s weird is this just happened out of the blue, and it doesn’t matter the filament, it’s pig tailing.
At this point, I am tempted to do a print to see if it jogs something lose, but at the same time, I’d rather not waste the time, filament, and potential mess, since, it seems it would do no good, when I can’t even extrude it regularly.
Could use some help here, because I’m out of ideas, and all my other tricks aren’t working anymore