Printing Minifigures with the Taz Workhorse

Hey Guys,

I was hoping someone could help me out here. The 3D printer I use is the Stock Lulzbot Taz Workhorse with the .5mm nozzle. I’ve been trying to figure out how I can use it to print Minifigs for D&D, Warhammer and the like. Admittedly I’m a beginner and not sure what settings to put in. I tried to follow video tutorials for printing minifigs but the settings I copied were for an Ender 3 and not a Workhorse. The filament I’m using is the Polylite PLA Black.

Listed below is the URL of the specific models I’m trying to print and I’ll List the Cura 3.6.20 Settings I tried to use. I also ran the printer at 50% speed and it didn’t seem to help any. If anyone knows better settings I can use please copy paste them. I’d be really appreciative.

Goblin Models (Goblin_wit_mace_and_shield, Goblin_wit_bow_and_arrow):

Cura 3.6.20 Settings: PK ! B3s\ç ç # lulzbot_redgum_goldenrod_miniatures[general]
version = 2
name = Miniatures
definition = lulzbot_redgum_goldenrod

type = quality_changes
setting_version = 4
material = PolyLite_PLA_(Polymaker)_lulzbot_redgum_goldenrod
quality_type = standard

acceleration_enabled = True
acceleration_print = 250
bottom_thickness = 0.8
cool_fan_full_at_height = 0.2
cool_fan_full_layer = 2
cool_min_layer_time = 7
cool_min_speed = 2
default_material_print_temperature = 230
expand_skins_expand_distance = 1.5
fill_outline_gaps = True
infill_before_walls = True
infill_pattern = grid
infill_sparse_density = 35
jerk_enabled = True
jerk_print = 5
jerk_travel = 5
layer_height = 0.1
layer_height_0 = 0.2
material_flow = 92
material_print_temperature = 230
material_print_temperature_layer_0 = 215
retract_at_layer_change = False
retraction_amount = 6
retraction_combing = noskin
retraction_count_max = 90
retraction_extrusion_window = 2
retraction_min_travel = 0.8
retraction_prime_speed = 10
retraction_retract_speed = 10
retraction_speed = 10
skin_line_width = 0.3
skin_no_small_gaps_heuristic = False
skin_outline_count = 2
skin_preshrink = 0.8
skirt_brim_speed = 21
speed_infill = 42
speed_layer_0 = 21
speed_print = 42
speed_slowdown_layers = 2
speed_travel = 100
speed_travel_layer_0 = 50
speed_wall = 21
speed_wall_0 = 21
speed_wall_x = 42
support_enable = True
support_type = buildplate
switch_extruder_retraction_amount = 10
top_bottom_thickness = 0.8
top_thickness = 0.8
wall_0_wipe_dist = 0.2
wall_line_count = 3
wall_thickness = 1.2

PK ! ’u\íÕ Õ ( base/lulzbot_redgum_goldenrod_miniatures[general]
version = 2
name = Standard
definition = lulzbot_redgum_goldenrod

type = quality
setting_version = 4
quality_type = standard
material = PolyLite_PLA_(Polymaker)_lulzbot_redgum_goldenrod

acceleration_roofing = 500
backlash_fading_distance = 1.0
bottom_thickness = 1.25
brim_line_count = 10
carve_multiple_volumes = True
cool_fan_full_at_height = 0
cool_fan_full_layer = 5
cool_fan_speed_min = 100
cool_min_layer_time = 15
cool_min_layer_time_fan_speed_max = 0
cool_min_speed = 5
default_material_print_temperature = 215
expand_skins_expand_distance = 0
fill_outline_gaps = False
infill_before_walls = False
infill_pattern = lines
infill_sparse_density = 30
layer_0_z_overlap = 0.5
layer_height = 0.25
layer_height_0 = 0.35
layer_start_x = 141
layer_start_y = 141
line_width = 0.5
material_bed_temperature = 45
material_bed_temperature_layer_0 = 55
material_final_print_temperature = 210
material_initial_print_temperature = 210
material_part_removal_temperature = 35
material_print_temperature = 215
material_print_temperature_layer_0 = 210
material_probe_temperature = 160
material_soften_temperature = 180
material_wipe_temperature = 170
prime_tower_size = 7.745966692414834
raft_airgap = 0.5
retract_at_layer_change = True
retraction_amount = 1.5
retraction_combing = off
retraction_count_max = 99
retraction_extrusion_window = 3
retraction_hop_enabled = False
retraction_min_travel = 3
retraction_speed = 15
skin_preshrink = 0
skirt_brim_minimal_length = 250
skirt_gap = 5
skirt_line_count = 2
speed_infill = 40
speed_layer_0 = 15
speed_print = 40
speed_slowdown_layers = 3
speed_support = 40
speed_support_interface = 40
speed_topbottom = 35
speed_travel = 170
speed_travel_layer_0 = 70
speed_wall = 35
speed_wall_0 = 35
speed_wall_x = 35
support_angle = 60
support_bottom_stair_step_height = 0.5
support_bottom_stair_step_width = 5
support_brim_enable = True
support_brim_width = 5
support_enable = False
support_infill_rate = 15
support_interface_density = 50
support_interface_enable = True
support_interface_pattern = lines
support_interface_skip_height = 0.25
support_join_distance = 3
support_offset = 0
support_use_towers = False
support_xy_distance = 0.5
support_xy_distance_overhang = 0.5
support_z_distance = 0.5
switch_extruder_prime_speed = 10
switch_extruder_retraction_amount = 20
switch_extruder_retraction_speeds = 10
top_bottom_thickness = 1.25
top_thickness = 1.25
travel_compensate_overlapping_walls_enabled = False
wall_thickness = 1
zig_zaggify_infill = True

PK ! B3s\ç ç # lulzbot_redgum_goldenrod_miniaturesPK ! ’u\íÕ Õ ( ( base/lulzbot_redgum_goldenrod_miniaturesPK § C

Since you aren’t specific about the problems you are having, I can only give you general advice.
1.Forget the Ender settings and start with the Lulzbot Cura default settings for PLA and detail or fine printing.
2. Print a 3D Benchy from the default settings. Don’t move on to miniatures until your Benchy is acceptable.
3. Start with a less challenging model until you get some experience–one that doesn’t include thin features or severe overhangs like the axes held by the goblin. Look for one that doesn’t require supports.
Once you’re successful with the above, consider these tweaks:
A. A 0.5 mm nozzle is probably too large for printing miniatures. Think about getting a smaller nozzle.
B. The Workhorse print bed fan usually should be run well below 100%. For PLA maybe start at 25%. If the print looks melty after reducing the fan speed, you need more fan. If the layers come apart, or the model is crumbly, you may need less (though other things could cause that, too).

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I used a 0.2mm nozzle on my TAZ 6 to print some miniatures for my son. I also did some with a 0.35mm nozzle as the 0.2 can get finicky sometimes. A 0.25mm might be a reasonable choice as well.