Hi All… Our Taz 6 requires an sd card for printing. 8GB seem tor work best. Have you found a certain brand works better than another? We’ve just has SanDisk but have you used Verbatim 8GB or other brands which have worked just as well? The Verbatim is 1/2 the price of the Sandisk on Amazon. Thank you.
I think any “name brand” (including Verbatim) should be fine. I currently have a 32GB SanDisk card in my TAZ 6.
BTW, the TAZ 6 doesn’t “require an SD card for printing”. You can connect to the USB port and print directly. My favorite option is OctoPrint running on a Raspberry Pi. OctoPrint will run on any system that has Python but the easiest solution is to use an OS with OctoPrint pre-installed, OctoPi.
The Raspberry Pi connects to my home network via WiFi so I can send my prints and control the printer from a browser.
Hi b-Morgan… I’d read the Taz 6 has trouble reading anything larger than an 8GB which was shipped with originally? I bought a 32 GB which didn’t work well. I was printing off the sd cards as I also recall someone sharing that printing is faster off the sd card than the PC connected USB. I’ve had good luck with Verbatim sd cards and flash drives. Thank you!
I don’t use the SD card much but I’ve had no issues with my 32GB card. Where did you read about problems with cards bigger than 8GB?
There should be no difference in speed between printing off an SD card and printing through the USB port under normal circumstances.
A PC running Windows can have some “Windows-related” hiccups like automatic updates, automatic sleep mode, hibernation, etc. but if managed properly, these shouldn’t be an issue.
Rather than managing my Windows desktop which is where I do all my slicing and 3D modeling, I connected my TAZ 6 to a Raspberry Pi.
I have an RPi 3B which can be found for $35. You could also use an RPi Zero 2W for $15 or a 3B+ for the same $35. Add a good power supply, a case, and a microSD card. I think I spent about $60 total to get started, less if you go with the Zero 2W.
The RPi uses a version of Linux which will send prints to the TAZ 6 USB port for days at a time without issue. In addition to monitoring the print process from any browser, you can add a camera and watch the print, generate time-lapse videos, even use AI to detect failures.
My TAZ 6 is in a different part of the house than my desktop. Running SD cards back and forth between the two got old on the first day!