Taz 6 - LulzBot TAZ Single Extruder Tool Head v2.1 for Ninjaflex?

Hello Everyone :slight_smile:

So I got my Taz 6 last week. I want to print with Ninjaflex. Is it compulsory to use FLEXYSTRUDER head? Or Single Extruder Tool Head v2.1
will work?

Also while printing with “CURA lulzbot edition” there is no option to print with Ninjaflex in material options. Anyone knows what should be the feed rate? Temperatures and other data I got it but I can’t find feeds.

Please help!


Officially, yes you need the Flexystruder for Ninjaflex.

Unofficially, there are community solutions to print all filaments on one extruder:

The only other thing you may need to do is to replace with .6mm nozzle for optimal extrusion. The .5mm should be fine if you slow down the print.

In Cura if you load the Flexystruder as the nozzle type, I think it will add the Ninjaflex material profile. If you do add the nozzle in Cura to take a peek at the settings, its probably to skip the firmware flash if prompted. Alternatively you can find the settings in the .ini profile files.

Thanks a lot! I will check it out… :slight_smile: