I believe my rambo board is dead in my Taz 6. The $200+ price for a replacement is out of reach. The octopus pro is within reach though below $100 from what I have found.
I am not really sure what steps would be involved and have yet to find a resource to use as a guide.
I am willing and wanting to learn. Figured this is a great place to ask for some guidance!
I’m running an Octopus 1.1 board in my printer that once was a Taz 6.
If you have never configured Marlin before, it’s a good time to learn, but this is also a good time to add a few upgrades. You’re going to have to extend several wires to meet the locations on the Octopus board, but you can avoid all that headache by also upgrading to something like the Hermit Crab quick connect toolhead system, since it includes a new wire with all the length you need for the toolhead connections.
3 axes with dual z, + extruder, you’re at 5 already, so if dual extruders are in possible plans, that is 6. Throw in the good processor, CANBUS and USB support, and there isn’t much reason to not go with the board with 8 drivers, even if you’re not using them all.
There plenty of space, but tbh, it’s a little tight with the location of the micro SD slot.
So I’m taking a stab at swapping to the Octopus 1.1 on an old Workhorse. Plan on doing the same to my Taz 6…depending on how much hair I pull out this first go. @Wrathernaut where did you mount the Octopus? Same panel as the original board, front panel, other?
Same panel as the original board. I just make a quick adapter that screwed into the original screw holes and had heat inserts for the new board. I had to extend a few wires, but that’s about it.