Thingiverse .stl not printing well with Cura

Hi… I downloaded this Thingiverse file.

I Cut the gcode in Cura 3.6.7 and it printed badly. The default settings generally print fine so I’m wondering what others might see (and could please share?) what I could adjust in settings, please? Thank you.
LTAZ6_bobcat.gcode (4.6 MB)

First layer barely has any contact, so it’ll probably detach.

The bucket is only one layer thick, so it’ll barely exist.

Body has no support under it:

One-line thick scoop walls:

Impossible overhang angles:

Single dots of filament stacked:

Floating segments:

So… bad model in general. Print settings won’t do a thing for this.

This is not Lulzbot cura (to my knowledge)

Wrath… Thank you so much for perusing that for me.Did you see all that under Cura 3.7? I’ll download a different model. Thank you again for all your kind help.

You’d see all of that by looking through your print preview in Cura, but I just loaded it in PrusaSlicer’s GCODE viewer for the screenshots.

A bit of a trained eye would easily see it in the model before even trying to slice though. Thin, skinny details just don’t FDM well. Even with resin, you’d have a tough time with that model.

Still developing that trained eye. Thanks.

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Also remember that many of the models on there are made to use the 0.4MM nozzle size hot end. So the layers may not print properly.