What I used to perform this test:
- TAZ 4 upgraded to TAZ 6.
- AeroPro 0.5 mm nozzle (IT-Works version of the Aerostruder)
- Slic3r Prusa Edition slicer
- Hatchbox PLA printed at temp 210C
- Bed 60C
- Print speed 60 mm / sec, external perimeters 40 mm / sec (more on this below)
- Layer height 0.25 mm
This print test of the Ultimate Torture Test (from here: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3158705) came out very good. The test was originally developed as a collaboration between Kickstarter and Autodesk. I found it is a good benchmark to test a printer’s and slicer’s capabilities for all sorts of things like bridging, overhangs, dimensional accuracy, etc.
Here’s the front view. I had previously removed the round pegs and then put them back in for the picture. The peg test is good for testing how well your printer can hold dimensional accuracy:
Here’s an angle view:
Here the round pegs are removed. The tightest peg took a little effort to push out with my thumb:
Here’s a side view showing one of the bridging tests. A 0.1 mm feeler gauge is inserted in the gap of the longest bridge. The combination of the TAZ 4 (upgraded to TAZ 6), AeroPro extruder (from IT-Works) and Slic3r Prusa Edition gave pretty good results here:
Here’s the spires up close. Excellent results for a 0.5 mm nozzle:
Lastly, here’s the underside of some of the bridging. Very nice results on the bridging and overhang:
Keep in mind the above print was printed at normal speed (60 mm/sec infill, 40 mm/sec external perimeters) and layer height (0.25 mm).
Here’s the speed settings:
Here’s the layer height settings:
Here’s the layer width settings:
I did not have such good results w/ Cura. Printing w/ the above specs I could not get the last peg (0.2 mm) out of the hole, the top surfaces were not near as clean looking, etc.
Based on my test results (this Torture Test and other prints as well), Slic3r Prusa Edition is better than both Cura and Simplify3D for producing quality prints.
I’m curious if anyone can get Cura to print as good as Slic3r on this Torture Test?