I have 2 TAZ5s. I am using CURA 4.13.10 Firmware is When I do not generate support I, of course, don’t get supports. When I turn on supports I get TREE supports whether I set supports to Tree or NORMAL. I want to turn off Tree supports but whenever supports are generated I have supports growing up around my model. I can’t turn off supports. Am I missing something or does CURA not allow Tree supports to be turned off.
Not sure why it’s not working. Can you screenshot your support section showing what is generated like this? Here’s 4.13.10 doing normal supports with normal supports selected:
And trees with tree selected:
Hi, Thanks for the quick response.
After I posted I took a closer look at the model with TREEs-ON and TREES-OFF.
It does appear that TREES are much different than Normal as you will see in the FIG.3,4,5 screenshots below.
When the model is sliced in the NORMAL mode the Trees do disappear and there is a support that climbs up the outside and inside of the “window” in the model to support the top of the “window” . These are visible in FIG 4 & 5
These supports are very hard to remove especially on the inside where the space is very limited.
In earlier versions of CURA the supports rose from the bottom of the “window” to the top of the “window” without anything outside or inside of the model.
below the original model in Fusion. FIG.1
BELOW BEFORE SLICING There are “windows” in the structure. In previous versions of CURA the supports rose from the bottom of the “windows” to support the top of the window. The hinge on the lower right of the model would have support between each piece.
Below With TREE turned on the trees are obvious, starting outside or inside the model and reaching the top of the windows. That is what I would expect from trees. BUT…
With in the NORMAL mode, the trunk of the tree disappears and support climbs up the side of the model on the outside and the inside when it just needs to build on the bottom of the window to support the top as it did in previous versions of CURA LE
FIG. 4
Below in the top view the support outside the model can be more clearly seen. On this particular project these supports are very difficult to remove, the PETG is very tough and there is very little room on the inside to remove the supports.
I don’t know if I just don’t understand the new version of if there is some setting that I am misunderstanding.
If you go into Preferences → Settings, you can toggle more settings to be visible.
You’ll want to turn on the Support Distance options so you can keep support further away from the model:
For the windows, you can choose to try and bridge the entire gap, and just put a support blocker in the window frames to keep the support off completely.
Thanks for the suggestions. I’ll give them a try.
So my takeaway is that the old method of support climbing from the area directly below is no longer possible. Is that correct?
Normal supports still generally do that, but there’s a bit of a hybrid with the “normal” supports now.
You also might want to look into setting up OrcaSlicer or PrusaSlicer. I only really use CuraLE as a reference when helping people who are still using it.