Wiper pad material

Revisiting wiper pad fuzz issues and after reading this old note:

and looking at 3M Scotch-Brite Light Cleansing Pad Material: Aluminum/Aluminum Silicate…
and a ridiculous shipping rate:

There has to be a better wiper design/solution. Right?

Solution? BLTouch and stop wiping.

I just bought red scotch brite pads and cut to size when I was still wiping. If you’re using a hardened steel nozzle, the pads won’t hurt.

Google is giving you bad info. When I ordered pads it was $17 shipping, in 2023. The ones they use on the Taz Pro I think work better as they are folded into the holster and can do a bit better wiping the whole nozzle. These are equivalent.


Thanks for link. Still using 140C for wipe temperature?

By the way the wipe temperature is lower than the extruder temperature so if that’s the problem & for instance your using PLA set the extruder to 215•c & the bed at 65•c keep in mind it’s okay if it’s •5c off

Interesting that they changed from the original material and process of the original wiper pads. Which used felt pads and Lulz juice back then. :roll_eyes:

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Got some. Will try it today. Folding a 1” piece of correct length and stuffing into pad holder. Folded edge up or down?

Interesting to read about the Lulzjuice days. I printed a wipe platform to test some felt pads (used to protect floor). Kind of works but needs to be coated with something to minimize fuzzing.

Something like that. See here OHAI: Open Hardware Assembly Instructions

Also cheaper here

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Reporting back. This material works well and is an affordable solution. All I use now.

For clarification, which material exactly are you referring to?

White Non Scratch Non-Woven Pads