y_idler_mount_v4.0.FCStd file not the same part as on my TAZ 6

I have been building all of the parts used on the TAZ 6 to get some experience with the TAZ 6 printer, and to have spare parts on hand.

I found the hard way that x_carriage_guide_v2.stl has the part upside down but x_carriage_guide_v2-x4.stl has 4 parts right side up.

But the biggest problem I have run into is that the y_idler_mount_v4.0.FCStd is not the same part as the one that is on my TAZ 6.
The one that I printed has the cylindrical cutout in the base extending under the smaller of the shaft supports. This is a structure that can not be properly built without support material since there is a part of this bearing support that hangs down.
The one that is on my machine does not have the cylindrical cut out extending under the shaft support. On this one, the base is solid, and the shaft support is not hanging in air.
I verified that the one I built is the same as what it looks like in FreeCAD, so the design file is wrong.

Could someone please direct me to the correct design file?
Edit: added a picture of bad part. I should not be able to run a string through it the way I have.

Not sure why that swiss chease made it into the download.lulzbot.com folder, it’s definitly not correct. The one in the development folder here http://devel.lulzbot.com/TAZ/Olive/production_parts/printed_parts/y_idler_mount/ is intact however and should be good to use. It’s the same file name, but it is the correct, non holy part.

This is much better, Thanks.
Now I need to get some more ABS plastic.

Thanks for bringing this to our attention. Was this the file pulled from download.lulzbot.com (which is incorrect, we’ll get it updated ASAP) and have you checked the included file on your SD card?

None of the parts design files were on the SD card for my machine. Were they supposed to be on the SD card?
I downloaded all of the design files from your web site.

The contents of my SD card were as follows:

$ ls -R
Contents of SD Card

./Contents of SD Card:
benchmarks  calibration  functional  LulzBot  modifications  novelties  README.html

./Contents of SD Card/benchmarks:
3Dbenchy  make_2015_tests  make_torture_test  marvin_keychain

./Contents of SD Card/benchmarks/3Dbenchy:
3Dbenchy_nGen.gcode  3Dbenchy.stl  attribution.txt  LICENSE.txt

./Contents of SD Card/benchmarks/make_2015_tests:
all_tests_at_once.gcode  bridging_test.stl                fine_positive_features.stl           overhang_test.gcode             XY_resonance_test.gcode
all_tests_at_once.stl    dimensional_accuracy_test.gcode  LICENSE.txt                          overhang_test.stl               XY_resonance_test.stl
attribution.txt          dimensional_accuracy_test.stl    negative_space_tolerance_test.gcode  XY_resonance_1.0mm_walls.gcode  Z_resonance_test.gcode
bridging_test.gcode      fine_positive_features.gcode     negative_space_tolerance_test.stl    XY_resonance_1.0mm_walls.stl    Z_resonance_test.stl

./Contents of SD Card/benchmarks/make_torture_test:
attribution.txt  LICENSE.txt  torture_test_nGen.gcode  torture_test.stl

./Contents of SD Card/benchmarks/marvin_keychain:
attribution.txt  LICENSE.txt  marvin_keychain_nGen.gcode  marvin_keychain.STL

./Contents of SD Card/calibration:
0.50-Noz_calibration-100mm-90_taz6.gcode  calibration_octopus_taz6_nGen-high-speed.gcode  XYZ_tester.gcode      Z_tester.gcode
burnin.gcode                              extruder_calibration_taz6_nGen.gcode            z_shipping_245.gcode

./Contents of SD Card/functional:

./Contents of SD Card/functional/mobile_device_rack:
attribution.txt  LICENSE.txt  stand_3_nGen.gcode  stand_3.stl

./Contents of SD Card/LulzBot:
LulzBot_keychain  rock2pus  rocktopus

./Contents of SD Card/LulzBot/LulzBot_keychain:
attribution.txt  LICENSE.txt  LulzBot_keychain_nGen.gcode  LulzBot_keychain.stl

./Contents of SD Card/LulzBot/rock2pus:
attribution.txt  LICENSE.txt  rock2pus_nGen.gcode  rock2pus.stl

./Contents of SD Card/LulzBot/rocktopus:
attribution.txt  LICENSE.txt  rocktopus_nGen.gcode  rocktopus.stl

./Contents of SD Card/modifications:

./Contents of SD Card/modifications/spool_mount:
attribution.txt  LICENSE.txt  spool_mount.gcode  spool_mount.STL

./Contents of SD Card/novelties:
fish_fossilz  mustache_ring  OSHW_logo

./Contents of SD Card/novelties/fish_fossilz:
attribution.txt  fish_fossilz_nGen.gcode  fish_fossilz.stl  LICENSE.txt

./Contents of SD Card/novelties/mustache_ring:
attribution.txt  LICENSE.txt  mustache_ring_nGen.gcode  mustache_ring.scad  mustache_ring.stl

./Contents of SD Card/novelties/OSHW_logo:
attribution.txt  LICENSE.txt  OSHW_logo_nGen.gcode  OSHW_logo.stl