Difference between 3mm and 1.75mm Hexagon?

Hi all:

Stupid question. What are the differences between the 3mm and 1.75mm Hexagon hotend? I assume the heatblock is the same, and so is the heatsink? Is it just the heat break?

Thanks in advance!

There are potentially 2 to 3 differences, depending on which model you are looking at. The first difference is the size of the plastic melt chamger area in the nozzle tip itself. The 3.0mm one is bigger. The second difference is that the 1.75mm hexagon barrel itself has a narrower 1.75mm insert threaded into the top to narrow the fillament path. The third potential difference is that many of the 1.75mm hexagons are the “Nn-AO” eddition, and will have a shorter heater block.

The heat break tube is also smaller in its internal diameter, or at least the two I use to print 1.75 MM filament with are. :wink: