I see that this item is still unavailable. I read that upgrade kits for the existing V2 units were being postponed so that parts are available for production units, which i can appreciate. Is there any timeline or ETA on new units and upgrade kits?
Thank you for your patience! It looks like we have Dual Extruder v3 inventory on the way to our Toronto and Chicago warehouses. I’m not seeing an ETA however on when they’ll be received in, other than soon.
Oh man… I got an email that units were in stock, but unavailable again in under 3 hours. Haha, this could be challenging.
Are there any bugs or quirks that the team is still working to resolve with this product? I don’t mind helping to work out issues, but would like to know if I’m going to have to get dirty and fidget before I buy. From what limited info there is out there, the main usability issues seem to have been worked out.
If you haven’t gone for one yet, it seems better than some of the old posts I was reading about it. I leapt into putting it together this last weekend and it went ok.
The main issue now seems to be that there was faulty crimping causing a temp reading failure. I managed to pinch mine to workability like tech support suggested, but it’s unfortunate.
I’ve made some 2 color prints so far, though I hate cura and am working to move back to s3d if I can find enough info (my forum search and goal for tonight!)
The dual extruder v2 profile in S3D works for the v3. Just make sure you flashed the Dual v3 firmware. The X offset for T1 is 13mm. I use “M218 X13 Y0 T1” in my start code to set the nozzle offset.
I guess you could also rename the Back Extruder “Left / T0” and the Front Extruder “Right / T1” for clarity, but I didn’t bother.