I am attempting to repair a Taz Pro and have fixed most of the issues the printer has, but it still has an Extruder 1 Filament Error on the base layer every time. Looking at the extruder, the Idler Adjustment Knob is as loose as it can possibly get. Yet when I try to turn it, the knob refuses to move - it appears to be completely bound. Any suggestions as to how to get it un stuck?
“Filament error” on the Pro is the jam/runout sensor that the filament runs through not getting activated by filament movement.
If you’re not running it through the sensor on the side of the machine, that’s an easy enough fix. If it is going through there, the filament may not be rolling it due to low tension on the filament sensor, really smooth filament, or a jam (or you’re running 1.75mm filament through the sensor that’s made for 2.85mm filament.