Has anyone tried Cura LulzBot Edition v3.6.22 yet?

I saw a reply from FAME that they updated LE Cura but, it looks like they just repackaged with their new hobby 1.7mm print head. Is that a fair assessment?

I’m using CuraLE 3.6.22 successfully. I purchased an M175 tool head for my TAZ 6 and 3.6.22 has support (profiles and firmware) for that.

That’s an update…

Repackaged = Update.

Anything else new added?

That’s setting a very low bar for “update.”

You win, @anon12731942. The OP wanted to know if anyone had tried it and I have. Feel free to call it a repackage if you like.

No, it’s english…

I deleted 3.6.20, so I could do a clean install of 3.6.22. After downloading and installing, I get a message

cx_freeze: Python error in main script (traceback unavailable)
Error in sys.excepthook
Exception: cannot import name ‘Application’
Original Exception: No module named ‘sip’

After repeating three times, I gave up. I don’t see any way to download 3.6.20.

Previous Cura LE install files are available on the download site at

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I’m using CuraLE 3.6.22 successfully. I purchased an M175 tool head for my TAZ 6 and 3.6.22 has support (profiles and firmware) for that.