Lulzbot needs a update updgrade to catch up with the mk4

I was hoping there could be a upgrade for a taz & the lulzbot mini both including future series to include input shaping

During RMRRF 2023 they had two new machines that haven’t been spoken about since. There was a Mini 2 running Klipper, and there was a corexy printer. They recently pushed a “Klipper LE” branch to their GitLab, and I recall a video tour of their offices some Youtuber made this year that featured something secret going on the R&D part of the office. I have to think something is in the works.

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There was the Mini 3, which looked quite interesting and was said to only be waiting on marketing to be released, and the CoreXY Viking, which they use for internal printing and had no plans for release, but did mention plans to release a larger version of it in the future.

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