Stoneflower ceramic printing kit and Taz 5-Cura LulzBot issues

Hi all, not sure where this should post so here goes. I purchased a stone flower ceramic printing kit( some years ago and have just recently been able to start to dig in. It is version 2, not 3. I have built an adaptor for my Taz 5 but I am lost as to how to load the .ini file that was created for Cura, and I realize that this was made for the Ultimaker version of Cura, not the forked version that was created for Lulzbot. Does anyone have any ideas or direction they could point me to assist in figuring out how to/if it is possible to use this extruder kit with a Taz 5, how to approach modifying the .ini to work with Lulzbot Cura edition or if it is possible to run the Taz 5 with the Cura 4.6.0? I was able to successfully import the .curaprofile/.ini file into 4.6.0 and do a custom printer description for the Taz 5 but wonder if the printer will respond.
Any help/direction or just plain it ain’t going to work would be great-understand some of this but obviously nowhere near enough of it.


When I try to import this into Cura for lulzbot edition I get the following message
“Failed to import profile from /Users/mcasselli/Desktop/Ceramic Printer/cura_config_file_stoneFlower3.curaprofile.ini: Reported version 1 but expected version 2”

Here is the .ini file

layer_height = 1
wall_thickness = 2.5
retraction_enable = True
solid_layer_thickness = 4
fill_density = 0
nozzle_size = 2.5
print_speed = 50
print_temperature = 0
print_temperature2 = 0
print_temperature3 = 0
print_temperature4 = 0
print_temperature5 = 0
print_bed_temperature = 100
support = None
platform_adhesion = None
support_dual_extrusion = Both
wipe_tower = False
wipe_tower_volume = 15
ooze_shield = False
filament_diameter = 2.5
filament_diameter2 = 0
filament_diameter3 = 0
filament_diameter4 = 0
filament_diameter5 = 0
filament_flow = 120
retraction_speed = 30.0
retraction_amount = 0
retraction_dual_amount = 16.5
retraction_min_travel = 1
retraction_combing = No Skin
retraction_minimal_extrusion = 0.01
retraction_hop = 2
bottom_thickness = 0.0
layer0_width_factor = 100
object_sink = 0.0
overlap_dual = 0.15
travel_speed = 50.0
bottom_layer_speed = 50
infill_speed = 50
solidarea_speed = 50
inset0_speed = 50
insetx_speed = 50
cool_min_layer_time = 0
fan_enabled = False
skirt_line_count = 0
skirt_gap = 3.0
skirt_minimal_length = 150.0
fan_full_height = 0.5
fan_speed = 50
fan_speed_max = 50
cool_min_feedrate = 10
cool_head_lift = False
solid_top = False
solid_bottom = True
fill_overlap = 0
perimeter_before_infill = False
support_type = Grid
support_angle = 45
support_fill_rate = 100
support_xy_distance = 0.0
support_z_distance = 0.0
spiralize = False
simple_mode = False
brim_line_count = 2
raft_margin = 5.0
raft_line_spacing = 3.0
raft_base_thickness = 0.3
raft_base_linewidth = 1.0
raft_interface_thickness = 0.27
raft_interface_linewidth = 0.4
raft_airgap_all = 0.0
raft_airgap = 0.22
raft_surface_layers = 2
raft_surface_thickness = 0.27
raft_surface_linewidth = 0.4
fix_horrible_union_all_type_a = False
fix_horrible_union_all_type_b = False
fix_horrible_use_open_bits = False
fix_horrible_extensive_stitching = False
plugin_config = (lp1
object_center_x = -1
object_center_y = -1

start.gcode = ;Sliced at: {day} {date} {time}
;Basic settings: Layer height: {layer_height} Walls: {wall_thickness} Fill: {fill_density}
;Print time: {print_time}
;Filament used: {filament_amount}m {filament_weight}g
;Filament cost: {filament_cost}
;M190 S{print_bed_temperature} ;Uncomment to add your own bed temperature line
;M109 S{print_temperature} ;Uncomment to add your own temperature line
G21 ;metric values
G90 ;absolute positioning
M82 ;set extruder to absolute mode
M107 ;start with the fan off
M302 P1 ; allow cold extrusion
;G28 X0 Y0 ;move X/Y to min endstops
;G28 Z0 ;move Z to min endstops
G92 Z0 ;zet current Z as zero
G1 Z15.0 F{travel_speed} ;move the platform down 15mm
G92 E0 ;zero the extruded length
G1 F200 E3.0 ;extrude 3 mm of feed stock
G92 E0 ;zero the extruded length again
G1 F{travel_speed}
;Put printing message on LCD screen
M117 Printing…
end.gcode = ;End GCode
;M104 S0 ;extruder heater off
;M140 S0 ;heated bed heater off (if you have it)
G91 ;relative positioning
G1 Z+0.5 X-20 Y-20 F{travel_speed} ;move Z up a bit and retract filament even more
G1 X0 Y0 ;move X/Y to min endstops, so the head is out of the way
M84 ;steppers off
G90 ;absolute positioning
start2.gcode = ;Sliced at: {day} {date} {time}
;Basic settings: Layer height: {layer_height} Walls: {wall_thickness} Fill: {fill_density}
;Print time: {print_time}
;Filament used: {filament_amount}m {filament_weight}g
;Filament cost: {filament_cost}
;M190 S{print_bed_temperature} ;Uncomment to add your own bed temperature line
;M104 S{print_temperature} ;Uncomment to add your own temperature line
;M109 T1 S{print_temperature2} ;Uncomment to add your own temperature line
;M109 T0 S{print_temperature} ;Uncomment to add your own temperature line
G21 ;metric values
G90 ;absolute positioning
M107 ;start with the fan off
G28 X0 Y0 ;move X/Y to min endstops
G28 Z0 ;move Z to min endstops
G1 Z15.0 F{travel_speed} ;move the platform down 15mm
T1 ;Switch to the 2nd extruder
G92 E0 ;zero the extruded length
G1 F200 E10 ;extrude 10mm of feed stock
G92 E0 ;zero the extruded length again
G1 F200 E-{retraction_dual_amount}
T0 ;Switch to the first extruder
G92 E0 ;zero the extruded length
G1 F200 E10 ;extrude 10mm of feed stock
G92 E0 ;zero the extruded length again
G1 F{travel_speed}
;Put printing message on LCD screen
M117 Printing…
end2.gcode = ;End GCode
M104 T0 S0 ;extruder heater off
M104 T1 S0 ;extruder heater off
M140 S0 ;heated bed heater off (if you have it)
G91 ;relative positioning
G1 E-1 F300 ;retract the filament a bit before lifting the nozzle, to release some of the pressure
G1 Z+0.5 E-5 X-20 Y-20 F{travel_speed} ;move Z up a bit and retract filament even more
G28 X0 Y0 ;move X/Y to min endstops, so the head is out of the way
M84 ;steppers off
G90 ;absolute positioning
start3.gcode = ;Sliced at: {day} {date} {time}
;Basic settings: Layer height: {layer_height} Walls: {wall_thickness} Fill: {fill_density}
;Print time: {print_time}
;Filament used: {filament_amount}m {filament_weight}g
;Filament cost: {filament_cost}
;M190 S{print_bed_temperature} ;Uncomment to add your own bed temperature line
;M104 S{print_temperature} ;Uncomment to add your own temperature line
;M109 T1 S{print_temperature2} ;Uncomment to add your own temperature line
;M109 T0 S{print_temperature} ;Uncomment to add your own temperature line
G21 ;metric values
G90 ;absolute positioning
M107 ;start with the fan off
G28 X0 Y0 ;move X/Y to min endstops
G28 Z0 ;move Z to min endstops
G1 Z15.0 F{travel_speed} ;move the platform down 15mm
T2 ;Switch to the 2nd extruder
G92 E0 ;zero the extruded length
G1 F200 E10 ;extrude 10mm of feed stock
G92 E0 ;zero the extruded length again
G1 F200 E-{retraction_dual_amount}
T1 ;Switch to the 2nd extruder
G92 E0 ;zero the extruded length
G1 F200 E10 ;extrude 10mm of feed stock
G92 E0 ;zero the extruded length again
G1 F200 E-{retraction_dual_amount}
T0 ;Switch to the first extruder
G92 E0 ;zero the extruded length
G1 F200 E10 ;extrude 10mm of feed stock
G92 E0 ;zero the extruded length again
G1 F{travel_speed}
;Put printing message on LCD screen
M117 Printing…
end3.gcode = ;End GCode
M104 T0 S0 ;extruder heater off
M104 T1 S0 ;extruder heater off
M104 T2 S0 ;extruder heater off
M140 S0 ;heated bed heater off (if you have it)
G91 ;relative positioning
G1 E-1 F300 ;retract the filament a bit before lifting the nozzle, to release some of the pressure
G1 Z+0.5 E-5 X-20 Y-20 F{travel_speed} ;move Z up a bit and retract filament even more
G28 X0 Y0 ;move X/Y to min endstops, so the head is out of the way
M84 ;steppers off
G90 ;absolute positioning
start4.gcode = ;Sliced at: {day} {date} {time}
;Basic settings: Layer height: {layer_height} Walls: {wall_thickness} Fill: {fill_density}
;Print time: {print_time}
;Filament used: {filament_amount}m {filament_weight}g
;Filament cost: {filament_cost}
;M190 S{print_bed_temperature} ;Uncomment to add your own bed temperature line
;M104 S{print_temperature} ;Uncomment to add your own temperature line
;M109 T2 S{print_temperature2} ;Uncomment to add your own temperature line
;M109 T1 S{print_temperature2} ;Uncomment to add your own temperature line
;M109 T0 S{print_temperature} ;Uncomment to add your own temperature line
G21 ;metric values
G90 ;absolute positioning
M107 ;start with the fan off
G28 X0 Y0 ;move X/Y to min endstops
G28 Z0 ;move Z to min endstops
G1 Z15.0 F{travel_speed} ;move the platform down 15mm
T3 ;Switch to the 4th extruder
G92 E0 ;zero the extruded length
G1 F200 E10 ;extrude 10mm of feed stock
G92 E0 ;zero the extruded length again
G1 F200 E-{retraction_dual_amount}
T2 ;Switch to the 3th extruder
G92 E0 ;zero the extruded length
G1 F200 E10 ;extrude 10mm of feed stock
G92 E0 ;zero the extruded length again
G1 F200 E-{retraction_dual_amount}
T1 ;Switch to the 2nd extruder
G92 E0 ;zero the extruded length
G1 F200 E10 ;extrude 10mm of feed stock
G92 E0 ;zero the extruded length again
G1 F200 E-{retraction_dual_amount}
T0 ;Switch to the first extruder
G92 E0 ;zero the extruded length
G1 F200 E10 ;extrude 10mm of feed stock
G92 E0 ;zero the extruded length again
G1 F{travel_speed}
;Put printing message on LCD screen
M117 Printing…
end4.gcode = ;End GCode
M104 T0 S0 ;extruder heater off
M104 T1 S0 ;extruder heater off
M104 T2 S0 ;extruder heater off
M104 T3 S0 ;extruder heater off
M140 S0 ;heated bed heater off (if you have it)
G91 ;relative positioning
G1 E-1 F300 ;retract the filament a bit before lifting the nozzle, to release some of the pressure
G1 Z+0.5 E-5 X-20 Y-20 F{travel_speed} ;move Z up a bit and retract filament even more
G28 X0 Y0 ;move X/Y to min endstops, so the head is out of the way
M84 ;steppers off
G90 ;absolute positioning
support_start.gcode =
support_end.gcode =
cool_start.gcode =
cool_end.gcode =
replace.csv =
preswitchextruder.gcode = ;Switch between the current extruder and the next extruder, when printing with multiple extruders.
;This code is added before the T(n)
postswitchextruder.gcode = ;Switch between the current extruder and the next extruder, when printing with multiple extruders.
;This code is added after the T(n)

The answer to using Ultimaker Cura with your TAZ 5 is yes. You have to define your own printer profile because Ultimaker doesn’t have one for any of the LulzBot printers. I have a TAZ 6 configured (with both single and dual extruders) in Ultimaker Cura by copying settings from CuraLE to Ultimaker Cura.

My suggestion is to create a profile for your TAZ 5 with its default single extruder and do test prints. Once you are successful, you can switch to your TAZ 5 with the ceramic kit.

thanks I am trying the first Taz 5 test print now and then onto the ceramic kit experiments. It all seems so obvious now, thank you for being so helpful WIll let you know how it goes.

was able to get good prints but unable to switch to the ceramic kit getting an E1 Err:MINTEMP print halted reset
I have the word out to other forums,do you think it could be the firmware?

At this point I can only guess as I have no knowledge of the hardware involved, but yes, it could be the firmware.