I’ve recently purchased a TAZ 4 from an acquaintance. At the time of purchase, everything was working fine.
I’m pretty much completely new to this end of 3D printing. (IE I’ve prepared lots of models and had them printed, but never used the hardware myself) so I’m pretty much lost in the woods on this.
Since stuff shifted during transportation, I’ve been trying to set the home position using Printrun with Pronterface.
The X and Y axis works fine. The Z axis would not lower below the point it was set at when I received it, about 6" above the bed. When trying to home Z, It moves to this point and begins humming loudly until the machine is shut off. Manual movements in Printrun will go to this point and stop, without the humming.
Manual movements in Printrun will move up, and then back down without issues, just not beyond this point.
I read a post about similar problems https://forum.lulzbot.com/t/z-axis-stuck/1180/1 and followed this advice.
From the new bottom position there, I could manually move up and down with Printrun without issues, but once I attempted to home the Z axis, the exact same problem arose.
These same problems arise when using the GLCD, so I don’t think Printrun is to blame.
As far as I know, there was no damage in transporting the printer, and everything moved fine when I turned the rods by hand, so I don’t’ think its a bind in the hardware.
Any ideas on how to fix this?