Taz 6 X axis problem


I would like to ask questions about my Lulzbot is Taz 6. When I print a model which is vertical extruded, it finally printed the model with layers shifted forward. Sometimes, it made some noise like “kakakkaaaa” when the x axis is moving, Is there any problem of the x-axis? How can I fix it ?

The attached image is the model I printed, this is not the only model fail with this problem.

Thank you

The usual answer would be
#1, check X axis belt tension.
#2, move the x axis left and right several times when not printing.
#3, plug a known good stepper motor in and verify that it moves smoothly.

but, the finish on the first layer looks like hot, bubbly crap. Are you running PLA at ABS temps? The scale on the picture makes it hard to tell, but the extrusion looks like you’re trying to run a much too thick line out of a thin nozzle.

Are you using a standard Cura LE print profile for the correct material?

There’s just a LOT wrong with the print that could cause it to catch the nozzle when printing and cause layer shift by not letting the toolhead to move.

Thank you for your suggestion.

I have a mistake on the typing , the problem is on y-axis.
To solve the problem, I follow your suggestion to check and found:

#1 I check the tension of the axis, it is good.
#2 it print normally when move.
#3 I bought a new lulzbot stepper motor to replace. But the shifting problem still happen.

And have some new founding, the “kakakkaaaa” sound is come from stepper. it is not constant. when I test with moving y axis only, it is good. But when I start print something, it will shift. One more strange, when it is waiting to print or cool down, the y-axis stepper also have shift with kakakaaa sound, it shift sightly and sightly.

Do you have any suggestion on it ?
is it the electric wire problem? or firmware problem?

Thank you very much!!

Video would help a lot, but it still sounds like it could be a failing stepper driver, or the grub screw holding the gear to the motor’s shaft was tightened down on the round part instead of the flat spot, so it slips once there’s a decent amount of torque on it.

Do you mean screw on the motor ?

I upload a video about the problem, please see on the follow link

Thank you very much