I tried printing nylon (with manufacturer recommended temps/retraction), with very little success, filament right out of the bag, and even at 20mm/s speed and 5mm retraction.
Lots and lots of stringing, lots of underextrusion, terrible results.
Standard single 2.85mm extruder.
Anyhow, I took the nylon out and replaced it with some Duramic PLA Plus, which I had been using successfully on this printer for years.
This was at 235C, which is on the high end of the Duramic PLA+ temperature range but definitely should not be an issue.
When I pushed the filament in the extruder, I heard a LOT of sizzling, fillament did come out very hot, and then everything stopped. Could not push anything further, nor take the fillament out.
1- what could be wrong?
2-how do I fix this?
I know how to replace the thermistor, the heating cartridge, etc.