TAZ6 - fillament stuck after trying nylon

I tried printing nylon (with manufacturer recommended temps/retraction), with very little success, filament right out of the bag, and even at 20mm/s speed and 5mm retraction.
Lots and lots of stringing, lots of underextrusion, terrible results.
Standard single 2.85mm extruder.

Anyhow, I took the nylon out and replaced it with some Duramic PLA Plus, which I had been using successfully on this printer for years.

This was at 235C, which is on the high end of the Duramic PLA+ temperature range but definitely should not be an issue.

When I pushed the filament in the extruder, I heard a LOT of sizzling, fillament did come out very hot, and then everything stopped. Could not push anything further, nor take the fillament out.

1- what could be wrong?
2-how do I fix this?

I know how to replace the thermistor, the heating cartridge, etc.

For if it’s 1.75 or 2.85 mm depends on the toolhead

this is my standard 2.85mm toolhead with 2.85mm fillament.

Can we please see a picture of your 3DPrinter & which version & date of assembly

I’d guess there’s still some nylon left in the nozzle clogging things.

Run some nylon through it again, then wait for it to cool down to ambient temp. Then do a cold pull with the nylon to clear the nozzle.

With the nozzle clear, bring it up to nylon temps again, turn the machine off, and immediately shove some PLA through really quick by hand (at nylon temps). Let it cool down to ambient and then do a cold pull with the PLA.

I found a similar issue on the forum meanwhile, heated the nozzle to 260, blocked the cooling fan with some tape to get heat creep and voila, i was able to push the plug out.

trying a print now

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