Adding an Openbuilds Openrail x axis to a Lulzbot Taz 4/5

Openbuilds is having a Father’s Day sale.
Just ordered my parts for the X and the Y axis mods!

Printing the parts for the "make instructions for this thing finally " set, decided we need printable spacers for the backplate. Here they are.
Taz_Openbuild_X_bottom_backplate_spacer.stl (48.6 KB)
Taz_Openbuild_X_top_backplate_spacer.stl (48.4 KB)

Backplate post spacers too.
Taz_Openbuild_X_backplate_belt_post_spacer.stl (53 KB)

Does anyone have a picture of a stock Taz 4/5 with the X axis removed down to the X end plates that they would be willing to have included in an instructions document?

Here is the completed 1.0 Draft revision of the long awaited instruction manual of doom. Anyone who has already completed this mod, or is planning on doing so, please take a look at this and let me know if it makes sense, if it needs anything, etc.

Thank you!
Instructions for adding an IOpenbuilds X axis to the Lulzbot Taz 4 or 5 3d printer.pdf (7.62 MB)

Thank you for all the work you put into this. I’m just looking at it for the first time but really appreciate the depth of detail and hard work you did here.

You’re welcome!

Excellent guide - thanks a lot, Tim :slight_smile: I don’t even have the parts yet but still feel confident in doing it now.

How much for this X modification as well as the Y modification as a kit for my TAZ 5 ?

The parts cost for you to do them yourself (non sale price, doesn’t include the openbuilds sale going on at the moment) for X and Y ends up being about $231 for hardware if you buy a new bed plate for modification ($54 new from the Lulzbot store). For me to make you a kit would be a number higher than that. PM me if you want details, and please be aware going in that my labor is not inexpensive.

That being said, there is a possibility that kits of both may be available soon. I cannot go into more detail than that at the moment.

Thanks, I only ask because it may be hard for me to source some of these parts in Australia without shipping from multiple suppliers in the US and having all the separate shipping costs build up. How much for just the hardware minus the 3d printed parts i.e. heat inserts, nuts, bolts, washers, extrusion rail etc. etc.

I’m in the process of designing and testing a microswitch holder to work with this upgrade.
It’s really just a mix between Piercet’s probe holder and 1013’s microswitch holder here:

What do you guys think?
I will most likely design a holder for a servo, but that’s after I finish this one :wink:

I still have yet to try and print this thing… seems like it will need a lot of support.

That looks neat, let me know how it works!

I can’t seem to PM you Piercet :cry: , but here’s my question:

Sorry If I’m blind here, but I’m having trouble following. I didn’t know if you had a set of “current directions” with stl’s linked, steps listed?? I’m sick of the sloppiness in this machine for the $$$. My FF creator pro dual extruder kills this in part finish quality… :frowning: Do you think it’s a huge improvement and not immediately necessary to address the Y and Z axis as well?

Thanks in advance!!

The instruction guide for the X axis is one page back. I’ll re-upload it here. Also here is the Y axis instruction as well.
Instructions_for_adding_an_IOpenbuilds_X_axis_to_the_Lulzbot_Taz_4_or_5_3d_printer.pdf (7.62 MB)
Instructions_for_adding_an_Openbuilds_Y_axis_to_the_Lulzbot_Taz_3__4_5_or_6_3d_printer_1_0_a.pdf (14.6 MB)

Awesome! Thank you very much. If I proceed when my warranty is up in a long while… are you still accepting paypal donations? Have a great night and very nice work!

certanly, anything anyone donates goes towards parts for new 3d printer design projects. THe newest one is the Part removal conbeyor belt of doom project!

Hi, I was wondering if you had any plates left? I cannot PM anyone thru this forum!!! BUT I can receive pm’s… If so, can you please email me at bottino at crprinting dot com


I can cut you a set. I’ll email you

Awesome!! Greatly Appreciated!