How to turn the bed off at the end of the print?

I discovered that Lulzbot was keeping my bed at 45 C. About 9 hours after I removed the part from a 24 hour print. Not cool guys.

I see several other people have complained about this over the years, but no one posted the gcode to change in the end G code of Cura.

I suspect I need to remove the line with M140, or give it a value of 0. Do I need to edit/remove any other lines?

M140 S{material_keep_part_removal_temperature_t} ; keep temperature or cool downs

M400                                              ; wait for moves to finish
M140 S{material_part_removal_temperature}         ; start bed cooling
M104 S0                                           ; disable hotend
M107                                              ; disable fans
G91                                               ; relative positioning
G1 E-1 F300                                       ; filament retraction to release pressure
G1 Z20 E-5 X-20 Y-20 F3000                        ; lift up and retract even more filament
G1 E6                                             ; re-prime extruder
M117 Cooling please wait                          ; progress indicator message on LCD
G90                                               ; absolute positioning
G1 Y0 F3000                                       ; move to cooling position
M190 R{material_part_removal_temperature}         ; wait for bed to cool down to removal temp
G1 Y280 F3000                                     ; present finished print
M140 S{material_keep_part_removal_temperature_t}  ; keep temperature or cool downs
M77					                              ; stop GLCD timer
M84                                               ; disable steppers
G90                                               ; absolute positioning
M117 Print Complete.                              ; print complete message

It’s an option in the print profile settings to keep it warm or turn off the bed.

If you want to avoid having to deal with making sure it’s in the print profile, just add a M140 S0 command at the end of the end print GCODE.

While I was waiting on a reply, I looked through a lot of settings, and I couldn’t find one that looked relevant.

Just now I was able to find it under Material, Build Plate Temperature, Keep Heating. It’s a checkbox, so I unchecked it.

What version of Cura? I am running 4.13.12-Exp-V5 and do not see the “Part Removal” or “Keep Heating” options.

This has been one of my nits that I keep telling myself I will add the gcode for, but haven’t gotten around to it.

Thanks for gcode.

Ahhh, I had to turn those on in the Manage Printers, Settings, Material, first. Then, they show up in the profile settings for Material.

Yeah, that’s how settings in Cura work. Once you get used to it, it makes sense, but the first couple times it might get you.